The interrogation

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Before we start thank you of 100 views. Love you gals and guys

3rd person pov

Peter and Morgan looked up relaxingly. They were in this type of room every single day for nearly 4 years of their entire life when he saw several people enter the room.

"What's going on?" he asked softly, his hands clenched together. The officer that had brought him here-Officer Roth--was standing in the room along with two people he had never met before. Officer Roth approached him and sat down on the chair in front of him.

"Hey Peter, Morgan" he said softly.

"Officer Roth? What's going on? Why are we here?" Morgan asked. We both looked at the other two people, calmly. "We just want to ask you some questions. The people standing behind me is Chief Melinda and Agent Gonzales."

Peter swallowed nervously while Morgan was playing with her fingers (both acting ofcourse). They communicated through mind link and told each other remain calm as possible but admitted they were a little nervous thinking that they know they are spider twins. Peter tapped the table anxiously at smiled at them in what he hoped wasn't an incriminating way. "Hello." he said.

Agent Gonzales smiled warmly at him and Morgan felt himself calm down slightly but Peter told her to keep her guard up (through mind link). She moved to sit in the other chair and she looked at Peter seriously. "So, Peter Parker and Morgan Parker. You're both twelve right?"


"And you go to... Bronx High School?" Peter nodded once more. "That's a very prestigious school. You're there on a scholarship? That must've been very hard. And considering both of you are in there it must be even more hard And you're both top of your class, possibly even the entire school. You are both very smart teens." she said.

Peter shrugged. "I guess," he said. "It's really easy and I love building things." Morgan replyed with a 'same'.

She narrowed her eyes when he had mentioned building things, and for
some reason, Peter felt like eh was
missing something important. In the
background, Chief Stacy scribbled
something on a clipboard. Peter
stiffened and was brought back by
Agent Gonzales addressing him again.
"Are you both aware that you're
adopted?" she asked. Peter frowned.

"Yeah." Peter said, "My parents adopted us when we were 9".

"So you both were aware that Mary and Richard Parker weren't your birth parents?" Agent Gonzales asked.
"Yeah," Peter and Morgan said in union. "They weren't really shy about it. I mean, we were only with them for a year before they died, but I remember how they always told me that we were special and it didn't matter that our birth parents didn't want us".

Agent Gonzales raised an eyebrow.
"Your birth parents didn't want you?"
she asked. "Can you elaborate?

"I mean, not really." This time Morgan continued shrugged. "I don't really know a lot about them. But they abandoned us on a street so it wasn't really hard to put the dots together."

"You were found on the street when
you were nine years old?" Agent
Gonzales asked. "And they adopted

"Yeah," Peter said. "Aunt May always
talks about how badly they had been
wanting to have kids. They thought we were a miracle."

"So do any of you remember what happened before that" Agent Gonzales asked

Bad memories were coming back to both Peter and Morgan and they both wanted to end it so they both replied at the same time 'No'

"So you never knew who your birth
parents were?" Agent Gonzales asked. This helped to divert their mind.

"No, we know who they are, but you won't believe us." Peter narrowed his eyes. "Now if this is over we want to see our aunt, you see she gets worried if we don't come home before our curfew, so see you around". "Not so fast, first your aunt is here with us and second If you know please do enlighten us" Agent Gonzales asked.

Both twins looked at each other, before Morgan said with a blank face "Sorry, that is a bit touchy subject for us and we don't want talk about it now could we see our aunt".

"No, and why it is so touchy and if your reason is good enough we will consider leaving you alone" Agent Gonzales asked with a curious face.

"Saw that a mile away, either we give you the reason and you allow us to leave or there is nothing we are gonna tell you. There is nothing to consider, it's either yes or a no" Peter said in a sarcastic tone before changing into threatening tone.

The Agent looked surprised and said "how did you you know that one, we don't use this one often". There was a small smirk on there faces and after a sec Peter said "it's pretty often used because we have been interrogated a lot because of reasons and some are related to this and before you ask we did nothing illegal and were not being interrogated by police. Now is it a yes or a no".

"Considering what you just said it will be a....Yes but you have to answer one more question who were you being interrogated by?".

Peter looked at Morgan and communicated through mind before saying "we will take that. First our dad sold us and second our buyer interrogated us".

As on the cue The Tony Stark came inside the interrogated cell followed by The Pepper Stark (Potts (people still don't know they are married or have kids)).

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