Meeting THE Avengers

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3rd person pov

It was a week after the duo had moved in. Throughout the the week they spent a lot of time bonding with each other and at night the went out doing their extra curricular activities. If anyone saw the family now, no one will can tell that the children were kidnapped for 8 years.

Today was the day the Avengers were returning as they have finished their mission early (cliché but bare with me) and Steve asked "Has anyone informed Tony". A series of 'no' and 'nah' will be spoken. "Ok, no problem we should suprise them".

What they didn't know was there was a suprise waiting for them in the penthouse of the tower.

When the Avengers went to the common room, to relax, they noticed two unfamiliar faces sitting there doing their HW. All were surprised to say at least.

After a minute Steve found his voice and asked "Mind telling me, who are you". The twins ignored his questions and said "Aunt Tasha" in unison.

To say Natasha was smiling, would be an understatement. She was crying tears of joy as she said "Pete, Morg, I have missed you so much. How did you got back".

You know she was present at SI since before Tony was Ironman as Pepper's personal assistant (since Pepper was unofficial handling a company). She always comes around Christmas and New Year and any other holiday. She was Pepper's best friend even after the truth came out AND Tony and Natasha consider each other as siblings (even though both of them will deny it). So, She was basically family

"That's a bit touchy subject, you know" Morgan said. "We can catch up later. You should rest because you just came from a mission" said Peter.

"Can someone fill us in" asked Steve and got nodes by the team in response. Natasha looked at the twins, they just nodded so Nat spoke "I'll tell you on the way back. I am really happy you're here. Both of you" as her last statement was directed towards the twins as she and the team were going to their respective floors.

(Time skip to dinner)

The team and Pepper was seated around the dinner table when the twins enter Wanda decided to leave but the twin's eyes landed on one specific person as they started walking towards him.

"Your work, Anti election collision is unparallel" started Peter. "While I think we found out why the little accident in the experiment" continued Morgan. "She found out that one of the formula that you use was not completely correct" Peter recontinued. "It work correctly in major but have side effects when used with some chemicals you used".

(A moment of silence)

".......WHAT" Bruce all but yelled. "Sorry we didn't mean to offend you I just–" Morgan said before Bruce cut her of by saying "No no no I was just in shock that two teens age no more than 13 can understand my work. Would you like to come to my lab some time".

"Get in line" said Dad sarcastically.

"When are you free sir" asked Morgan politely. "Tomorrow 4 p.m.".

"Will do" said Morgan.

"I wanted you to come in my lab for a week now, he asked you today and you are willing to come tomorrow" asked Tony in an hurt tone.

"First, you are just Tony Stark, he is THE Bruce Banner" said Morgan and got a fit of laughter. "And second, our labs are connected so practically we are always at your lab" finished Peter and got a lot of 'oooh' and 'burn'.

"They are not Tony's children. They are polite, humble and a lot of fun And can sass anyone down, only if necessary" said Clint and got a lot of agreement from the table and Tony remained silent.

After that the dinner continued peacefully everyone made small talks and happily ate dinner and retired to their to their rooms.

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