The Encounter

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3rd person pov {we means twins}

As on the cue the Tony Stark came inside the interrogated cell followed by the Pepper Stark (Potts (people still don't know they are married or have kids)).

"And here i thought my day could not get any worse" Morg whispered but every body heard her. "As we have done our part of the deal, we would like you to leave" Peter said calmly yet one could see how furious he was.

As we get up Tony spoke "What did you mean your parents sold you". "Hello Mr Stark, do you remember us from a couple months back" Morg asked sweetly. "Ooh, you don't remember i would like to reintroduce myself Morgan Parker, my brother Peter we met at our birthday party thrown by Justin Hammer, do you remember".

"You were the birthday twins" Tony said. "ma'am, could you please give us a moment" Peter aske really politely.

The agents left with a quick 'sure'. now it was just us four. Tony breaks the ice with "Why did you think i sold you". that sets Morg of as she replied "how hard did you tried to find us". "We worked through straight days and nights. as long as i remember the first break we took was after a week" Pepper said


Peter response shocked others. "Why do you think that" Tony asked.

"Do you remember a tracker you placed behind our neck, i can still feel it,oh and by the way you are one who told us that it can't be removed" Peter replied calmly but one could see he was losing his calmness from miles away.

"yes, it went offline" Tony replied with serious face. "ooh, either the great Tony Stark has very good acting skills or he forgot the we need to be conscious for atleast 8 hours for it to work" Peter replied losing all his calmness.

Tony was shocked how could he not remember something that important. "i am so soo sorry". "Sorry doesn't always cut it Mr Stark" Morg spat.

With that the twins started to make their way to the door. What they didn't notice was the horrid look of the others because the spat was not saliva but was blood.

When they saw the look on the faces of adults, confusion took over their mind before they saw the blood. "चलो यहाँ से निकलते हैं (let's get out of here)" Morg whispered so no one can here her but her twin because of super hearing.

Twins made made it out to the door of interrogation cell only to be stopped by the Tony Stark by behind.

"You need a doctor" said Tony. "I will be fine" Morg retorted. "As much as i hate to say it he is right" Pete reasoned with her. "You know i can't do that." Morgan replied. "i meant to go home and rest" Peter said. "That is not what i meant, you need a doctor" Tony said, worry dripping in his tone. but twins ignored him and Morg said "yah, you're right i will go home and take a nap".

Then the twins were standing on the floor and talking through mind link

(mind link start)

he looked really sad
do you want to give him another chance
no i want to know the other side of the story, you know that
yah i know. Are going to ask him to meet us
only if it's ok with you
fine 1 hour
we should probably leave because you need to sleep
again fine

(mind link over)

"We should probably leave because she need to rest but we can talk tomorrow if you want, send us a location it should be at noon we leave at 1 o'clock" peter said and with that walked out.

I was having a MCU movie marathon and I noticed a small detail.

In Ironman 1 colson said we are working on shorter name for organizing (STRATEGIC HOMELAND INTERVENTION ENFORCEMENT AND LOGISTIC DIVISION)

But in Captain Marvel Nick Fury was already using SHIELD

but captain Marvel was before Ironman 1. Right? RIGHT??

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