The Past

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Pepper's pov

I am heading to a party. It is not a regular party but a playboy party, but I don't care because my boyfriend just broke up with me saying that I was not good enough for him.

Within around half hour after the party started i was drunk and I don't know what I was doing.

(I don't want to write what happened)

The next day when she got to work Tony told her what happened confessed his undying love and asked her to be his girlfriend.

3rd person pov

After a couple of months later she found out she was pregnant with twins. After she told the news to Tony he was surprisingly...happy.

Just a month after the delivery the two got secretly married. Five years later, when all of them were sleeping in a hotel during a summer vacation, someone kidnap the twins and took them to the hydra base to do experiment that can only be done on twins. The next morning was devastating for both Tony and Pepper.

The experiment became successful and they got their spider powers.

When the twins woke up they found themself in a different surrounding when Peter asked about their parent he got beat up. He asked again and got the same result.

Once the shift changed he thought to give it a final try and asked ignoring the cries of protest from his sister Morgan "where is my daddy?? Where are we?? I want my daddy"

The twins were surprised to even get an answer "Your daddy doesn't care. Do you think it would take him this much time to locate you because you have micro chips that sends your location to him, Right." The guard said with a smirk on his face.

Morgan was crying, Peter had his own tears forming but he was comforting his little sister. When she calmed down he said "I will not let anything happen to you. I will do everything in my will to protect you" (sounds cheesy but just go with it)

After a nearly 4 years of experiment and on their 9th birthday, hydra decided to brain wash the twins and use them in mission but because of their enchanted healing they can't be brain washed (but hydra only used that before missions).

Hydra wanted their first duo for their army, Hydra wanted the soldiers to be to be perfect. From speaking 20 languages to every form of martial arts to every weapon ever known.

Hydra trained the twins in everything. Twins were tortured if they did anything wrong, so they learned everything quickly.

They gave the twins dummy missions in which twins have to kill 3 person each. First they refused, hydra tortured them until they fulfilled their dummy mission which was a good amount of torture but they didn't do it, so their handler said 'I will kill your twin' to each of them separately and it un-surprisingly worked.

From that day, twins started to have panic attack from seeing someone else's blood.

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