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Peter's pov

Mr Stark sent me the location ofcourse it had to be stark tower. Me and my sister walked through the big luxurious gates and to the receptionist and I asked "hi, we had an appointment with Mr Stark and Miss Potts, we are Peter and Morgan". "Just a sec (a pause of 2 minute) Sir both of them are in a meeting their PA said it will be over at 1 then your meeting starts" receptionist replied. "Oh then sorry for taking your time we will be back at 1 o'clock" Morg said.

"M I'm calling Mr Stark if he doesn't answer we leave okay" I asked. "It was your idea to cone here at first place" Morg replied and got a quick 'fine' from me.

Bing Bing

Bing Bing

Bing Bin-

(On phone)

"This is Tony Stark" tony said
"Hi, Peter this side your receptionist said you and Mrs Stark are busy till 1 o'clock so, is are appointment cancelled, soo should we leave" I asked in a monotone.
"Please wait there, we will be there in a moment"

(Call ended)

Then I turned to Morgan and said "he will be here in a moment" and sat down on the couch

Tony's pov

As soon as the call ended I said "it's nice meeting you all but I and Miss Potts have and very important matter to attend to". "Tony we can't just leave the board of directors meeting" said pepper and got nod in agreement.

"They are here and said that the receptionist told them we are busy so they asked if the meeting is cancelled" I said once the room became silent

At this Pepper saw time in her watch and said "shit, we are already 5 min late. We need to leave now we will continue this during next board meeting".

We ran to our personal elevator and pressed the ground floor.

3rd Person pov

After a few minutes the lobby became deadly silent. This caused Peter and Morgan to look up and they saw the CEO and CFO of the world biggest company in front of them waiting for them to notice them.

"Finally, thought you were gonna ditch us" said Peter sarcastically. Everybody in the lobby was looking at the twins because they said that to the owner of the building but they don't give a shit (sorry cap)

"Definitely got the sass from you" pepper muttered but the twins and tony clearly heard that. And Morgan said "Not true it could be either of you". "Are we seriously gonna discuss that when you have 50 min left" said Peter.

"Yah, sorry follow me" said pepper and showed our way to the pent house on the top of the building.

Once we sat down Peter asked "why do you want to have the meeting". "We want your forgiveness just that because we can't live knowing that a children hate us and if you both want you can live in the tower" Tony said.

"We had a talk last night and we decided to forgive you both because though it could be prevented it was not your fault" Morgan said.

"I already asked aunt may and she is happy for you both that you guys found our family so she is okay with both of you moving here as long as you see her every 2 weeks." Pepper said with hope in her eyes.

"As far as for living with you, the attack happened because you both were our parents. It's been 6 years but as you corrected me yesterday our kidnapper (not buyer) is still out there looking for us, he wanted to do experiment on twins but twins are a bit rare so they kidnapped us. Can you reassure us we will be safe" asked Peter.

"We will do anything to protect you. Do you want to keep it totally under the tabs or do you want to be recognised." pepper asked after reassuring.

Peter looked at his sister before speaking "okay, and we don't care as long as it doesn't leave the tower". "And if you don't force us to say you two mom and dad right away that would be really nice" Morgan added.

"Ofcourse" said pepper.

"When can we shift" asked Morgan after looking at her sister.

"Tomorrow will work just fine, we will be there tomorrow morning at 7 a.m." said Mr Stark happily.

Bing Bing


"Sorry but we need to leave because we have some where to be" said Peter.

"Also one more thing, Mr Stark please don't make our rooms flashy. Normal rooms will do just fine" said Peter.

"Okay I will not go total Tony Stark mode but I can't give my children boring rooms. I will make your rooms and then you can redecorate if you don't like it." said Tony.

"Ok, we can live with that" said Morg.

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