Collage Problems

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3rd person pov

It was 2 months after they started MIT. Peter and Morgan had completely isolated themselves from the world outside MIT. They only go on minor Shield missions. Every two weeks a couple of Avengers come to meet them (in disguise ofcourse). But no one is allowed to tell what was happening in the outside world. Crimes in New York was on all time high, and that's saying something, but onto the story.

Peter was in bio chemistry class sketching the new suits and Morg was taking playing with her watch since the professor hates phones, since they had finished all the other work they had been assigned.

Peter was in the zone ignoring most of what was happening until Morg elbowed him in the ribs. "Ow! What was that for?" Peter snapped lowly and noticed everyone staring at him and a few people chuckling lowly which confused Peter.

"Mr. Parker. Answer the phone. And put it on speaker" Mr. What's-his-name said angrily.

That's when Peter noticed his phone buzzing loudly. Peter groaned, of course this had to happen to him. Damn his frickin' luck! He looked at caller ID and then Morgan and she mouthed 'No'. He mouthed 'camaras' and Morgan hacked edited the previous footage and put it on a loop.

"Sir, it's a bit private. And it's related to my job at SI. So it can't be answered on speaker" said Peter.

"Then just give it to me" said professor.

"Sorry professor" said Peter and threw his phone in air. "Self-implode" and there was no visible residue left. "What phone professor" asked Peter a little too innocently.

"Peter, dean office now, you too Morgan" said Mr Warren calmly.

"Sir I didn't do anything. I was just-" Morgan started but got cut of by Mr Warren "I don't wanna hear it".

"I hope you did it, you know" Peter asked. "Don't worry, it's perfect" said Morg. Peter just muttered 'I sure hope so' and Morg just nodded.

When they entered the office, the professor told the situation to the Dean. The Dean turned towards us and said "ok look, I know it's hard to adjust with this. And both of you are younger than the rest but that doesn't mean you can ignore an order from the professor. I ignored the lie about your stark internship that you wrote in your essays, but I can't ignore this"

"Sir, with all due respect, could we please see the CCTV recording of the class, before you decide the punishment" asked Morgan.

Dean started the footage. It was normal till Mr Warren shouted 'Peter, dean office now, you too Morgan'

After the footage ended, the teens released a breath, Dean and professor more like Dean giving lecture to Mr Warren, the Dean, that is Mr Smith said "Sorry for this, you may go to your dorms as all the classes are about to be finished. But you both are in trouble for lying on an official documents"

"Sir, why did you say that our SI internships are fake" asked Peter.

"We cross checked everything in your essays. Your hammer internship is confirmed but SI human resource denied you either of you having an internship." said Mr Smith.

Peter didn't said anything just exited the room, dragging Morgan who looks like she was about to start a war with Dean for saying that.

"Morg, call dad and tell him to come here and sort this lying thing out." Peter said "And before you say call yourself. I blew my phone to nothing. Also, ask him to grab a new phone"

"Ok, and I wasn't gonna ask you that. And won't dad make a mess?? By the way, who was on the call anyway??" said Morgan and recieved a look for her brother which she completely ignored.

"No he will not because everyone is about to go into dorm in 15 min, dad will need 30 to come here. It was the call was from pirate. I'll call him tonight" said Peter simply. Boy did he calculated wrong.

(On the phone)

"Hi dad, could you come to MIT now it's emergency. Also could you please grab a new phone, Peter lost another" said Morgan.

"Ok, I'm coming. Could you tell me what's the emergency" asked Tony worry evident in his tone.

Morgan told Tony about the situation and told him to solve it.

(Call ended)

(13 minutes later)

"Peter, do you think dad upgraded his thrusters" Morgan asked looking in the sky. "Why do you think that??" Asked Peter. Morgan just pointed something in the sky.

Before Peter could reply, the figure landed infront of them and said "Missed you, kids".

"Missed you to Mr Stark" said Peter and got a confused look from his father "We don't want anyone to know that you are our you-know-what"

Just as they were making their way towards the Dean's office the bell rang and all the students came out of class.

"Oh my god"

"It's Tony Stark"

"We are in the same room

"Look Ironman"

"What is Tony Stark doing with Peter and Morgan Parker"
Marry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all the readers.

Side Note
I was gonna updated it yesterday, but I changed the plot so can be grammatical errors

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