Identity Reveal part 1

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3rd person pov

Both Peter and Morgan have avoided any suspicion and acted as they have never even attended the meeting. It was a Saturday afternoon when the news interrupted the movie they were watching. A man with four metallic limb attached to him causing destruction around

Wanda could feel Peter and Morg's tense next to him and then mumble 'Doc ock' simultaneously and quietly under their breath. The avengers had gathered round the TV asking each other whether they should help but decided to leave it to the spider-lings who had dealt with this before. The teens quickly made a excuse that they had homework to finish.


"Doc Ock what are you doing here again" Peter swung in and crouched on top of a nearby building along with Morgan.

"Spiderman and night spider how nice of you to join me" Doc ock stopped above him glaring down at his old 'friend'

"Hey buddy, there is something on your... Oh never mind- it's just your face" said Morgan sarcastically.

"You never change do you Parker, I've kept your little secret and I don't even get a thank you"

"Oh my apologies I thought you annoyed them so much they put a muzzle on you" said Peter.

That made him angry and he sent a bomb peters way and another in Morgan's way but when it exploded all they could smell was the awful smell of Peppermint and garlic

The arachnids insides felt like they where burning as pain spread throughout his body

"Garlic and Peppermint, both terrible for a spider". Doc Ock scape of laughing as Morgan collapsed at the roof itself where as peter stumbled backwards of the building. The fall felt like it lasted forever and peter was prepared to hit the ground when he started floating. Then spider blacked out.


"Peter" A female voice echoed in his head

"старший брат (big brother)" Another female voice, followed after it

The spider let out a gasp for air as he woke up and leaned forward. Two hands reached over to hold his shoulders. One was Wanda and the other Morg.

"Hey calm down it's just us" Morg spoke in her soft tone.

"You had an allergic reaction to something in the smoke bomb but I found an EpiPen in Bruce's lab" Wanda now spoke and Peter saw the abandoned EpiPen next to him on the floor of the allyway.

"Who caught me" Morg looked confused Wanda just smirked

"I did, I used my powers to catch you" The red head answered.

"Guys, dinner is on 25 min. It we are not in the room by then, we all are doomed" Morg said as she was looking at her phone.

"Well i guess we just have to work faster after you both change" Wanda threw clothes over to Peter and Morg and the spiders reluctantly got up and stumbled further into the ally to change.

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