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Tony's pov

I was working on my newest suit when Jarvis alerted "Sir, Peter and Morgan are requesting your presence of their personal floor, immediately" that is when I made a run for it. You see they came in with fatal wounds and gave a more vague message, so I know it's serious.

When I reached on his floor, I saw Pepper sitting alone on the center of sofa and standing in front of everyone were my children, like about a speech. After making sure that they both were ok (can never be to careful) I took the seat which was beside Pepper.

"Pep I am surprised to see you here at this hour" I said half sarcastically, half curiously. "They made an official appointment to meet their mother, so I am currently working" she replied simply.

"We would have cancelled it, if it wasn't necessary. And urgent" Pete said and also added. He motioned for Morgan to go ahead so she took a step forward.

"There is no better way to say it. We are accepted into MIT" she said. There was a pin drop silence because no one was expecting it. It was a bigger blow for me because I wasn't expecting this and that's saying something. The only thing that came out of my mouth was "How?".

"I asked Uncle pirate what it felt like to give SAT cause the paper was the next day and he said that he will give us a mock exam the next day. What we didn't know was he pulled a lot of strings and converted an old shield safe house into a test center and we gave actual test. Results came back yesterday and we will be the youngest ever to be accepted by MIT, they accepted one more teen from Tennessee but that's it. It's kept under to tabs for now, but authorities wants to release our names to the press. Uncle Nick wants an answer by today and I really want to go" said Morg. "And so do I" added Pete quickly.

"What about high school. You will need to show a degree" asked Pepper. She was being practical. I love her that quality. "We have more credits than required. So we can graduate tomorrow if someone powerful like yourself help us" Morg reasoned.

"Please tell me you'll atleast think about this" Pete said after no one reply for a long time.

"We will, its just a lot to take in, you know but I have to go back" said Pepper.

"Actually we have already done all the paperwork for today and you already addressed all the meetings. And also did everything in dad's lab except his new suit" said Peter.

"Sneaky" Pepper said out loud as she and Tony entered the lift to go on their floor.

"Do you think we will be getting permission" asked Peter.

"I hope, but chances are low to none. But anyways we have to start THE work" said Morgan dragging Peter out of the room and into the lab.

3rd person pov

Time skip to dinner

"What do you think we should do" Tony asked. Tony and Pepper have been discussing/arguing about the whole topic since they came from lab.

"Peter and Morgan want to inform you that dinner is ready and is going to serve on their floor" Jarvis interrupted.

"We can discuss it with them over dinner" Pepper said and dragged Tony out of the room with her.

Once Tony and Pepper reached elevator they saw every Avenger living in the tower, waiting for them. "Why are you here" asked Tony bluntly.

"We live here" Clint said.

"You know what I mean" said Tony getting angry.

"Peter invited us to dinner" Natasha said simply.

Tony was about to say something but Pepper elbowed him and gestured everybody for the elevator, motioning for everyone to get in.

Every pair of eyes budge of because of the sight infront of them

Every pair of eyes budge of because of the sight infront of them

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"What is this?!?" Scott shouted.

"Dinner, I thought you would like it. But don't worry we can cook something else" Peter said clearly sad and quickly moved to clean the table. Avengers were to shocked to say anything to stop him "Morg, start on Chinese. I'll join once I clean up the mess".

At this, Pepper snapped out of it and said "Hon, it's beautiful and it also smells great" and people started to agree. "No need to butter us up. Just give up half an hour and Chinese will be ready" Morgan said going to to the kitchen counter.

"Bambina, snap out of it. This will be the one of the best dinner I have ever had, it's a lot coming from me" said Tony simply. The teens better than to argue so they just muttered 'ok'.

Dinner was going smoothly. Every person was praising the food and Steve asked "How did you learn to cook and decorate???"

"Cooking is basically chemistry, so that's easy. And first it's called plating, second it's an art so Pete did the heavy lifting there" replied Morgan. Everybody chuckled because the comparison done by the youngest Stark.

As everybody was eating Peter spoke up "Mom, dad we are sorry for what happened after lunch so, this was a sorry dinner for you guys. And we are ok with whatever decision you make".

"Pete dear, you have nothing to be sorry for. On the contradictory both of you made us proud. And we think it's ok you go to MIT this year" said Tony

"What MIT?!?" everyone but the four shouted.

After filling in everyone, they also agreed that this was a proud moment and they should grab the opportunity. Teens were really happy that adults (if and only if characterised by age) were really supportive.

"Pete we should post about spider-twins absence on intragram" Morgan said. But Pepper asked 'what?' so she continued "If we have to say something to the media we have a intragram account where we can post it. Recently there are a lot of haters of spider-siblings (alternate name of spider-twins) so, we can saw since people of hate us and doesn't appreciate what we do, so we are done saving people of New York and then after we come back we'll see what to do?" Morgan concluded and Peter nodded in response.

After dinner everyone watched a couple of movies. Nobody ate anything not even popcorn, no wanting to ruin the taste buds. After that everyone went to their respective rooms and slept, while Tony entered his private lab and twins eneted their shared lab. Let's just say when Pepper found out she gave each of them mouthful.


My whole purpose for this chapter was for them to be 16 as soon as possible.

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