First Dinner Together

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3rd person pov

After they got conformable in their respective rooms. They met Tony and Pepper in the dining room and Peter said "I thought we agreed on not going full Tony Stark mode". "I didn't, I didn't either add game room or a pool or-". "Is he for real" Morgan asked Pepper. "Unfortunately, Yes" replied Pepper. Both Peter and Morgan giggled at the statement which made adult smile.

Beep Beep

Beep Beep

Beep Be-

"Just a sec" said Peter and made his watch a gauntlet and a hologram appered with a list

"Just a sec" said Peter and made his watch a gauntlet and a hologram appered with a list

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"shit, we forgot history assignment" said Morg looking at the hologram. "Freak" said Peter. " First of all, language. Second how the hell did you find that watch" asked Tony. "First, hypocrite. Second we made it" said Morgan.

(2 minute of silence)

"YOU GUYS ARE GENIUSES, NO WONDER HAMMER WANTED YOU, why don't you both come and tinker with me in the lab." asked Tony enthusiastically. "Yeah, but we need to complete the assignment, so can we eat please" asked Peter. "Sure pizza sounds good ???." Asked pepper. "Absolutely" all three said Peter n unison and Pepper walked to towards the kitchen.

"Why do you guys forgive us that easily" bluntly asked Tony once Pepper came back. "Well we saw a recording" said Morgan. "What recording" asked Pepper.

Flashback (at night after interrogation)

"Hey Pete, why do you want to meet them again" asked Morgan. "M, if you don't want to go, we will not go but I think they are telling the truth" Peter said. There was a moment of silence before Morgan said "Let's see the recording after we were 'kidnapped'" using air quotes on kidnapped.

The twins saw the recording. They saw crying, sleepless nights, panic attack, and a lot more. (Don't want to write details becz I'm lazy)

"So what do you think" asked Peter. "I am feeling kinda horrible becz of thinking bad for them" said Morgan. "Let me rephrase that. Do you want to go" clarified Peter. "Yes" "Ok, then we wil go but not go to bed, good night"

Flashback over

After explaining everything the Peter said "We fully forgive you guys". And then the family of four were talking about random topic and bonding over them. Suddenly Morgan asked "Where are the Avengers. I thought they live here??". "Yes but they are currently on a mission in Russia. It will take them atleast 10 day to come home and meet you guys" said Tony.

"Pizza is ready." said Pepper and twins smell something disgusting, there was some mint on the topping bug was unnoticeable.

Till realisation hit Peter, Morgan had a piece in his hand. He quickly SNATCHED it and asked "Is there mints on the topping". "Yeah, why??" asked Pepper. "Oh, nothing we just have a horrible allergy with mint, olive and pepperoni, so we can't really eat it" said Peter.

"I am so so sorry, I didn't-" Pepper said but cut of but Morgan who said "We should be the one who should say sorry we didn't tell you and now your entire work is going to be wasted". "We really feel guilty if the food is wasted, a lot of people don't have even enough food to feed their family, one time a day, so please don't waste it." said Peter.

"Don't worry, I also feel guilty if the food is wasted so, I will give these pizza to the janitorial staff, so what do you want to eat now" Pepper said. "Mac and cheese" they said in unison making pepper laugh.

"Ok ok you guys go do your homework I will bring them to your respective rooms".

"Hey dad, could we add 1 extra desk each to our room" Morgan asked. Tony didn't think he was crying until a tear of water drops from his eyes.

"Sorry if I asked anything wrong, you not what let's just-" said Morgan but was cut of by "No you didn't said anything wrong, this was a tear of joy. But yes you can add it. Pep you have the number of interior designer, we will change everything, starting-" said Tony but was again cut of by Peter "Really, mom control dad. He is so, emotional" by this time Pepper had her own tears of joy. (what is the problem of family. Everyone cut of each other)

"We are going to do our HW because we don't want to deal with emotions, so bye" said Morgan and left with Peter by her side.

When Pepper entered Peter's room with Mac and cheese, she saw the twins in Peter's bed and definitely did not asked Jarvis to take a photo.

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