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1. Why are you writing?

I really started out writing because of boredom. Had very long breaks during my first year in college so I tried out writing because of an experience that I had. But after writing my first story, I eventually had fun doing it. It's really enjoyable to create imaginary worlds or writing scenes that make you feel different kinds of emotions.

2. When did you start writing on Wattpad?

I created my account way back in 2010 so this is my 10th year in Wattpad. But I really can't recall when was the exact month that I started posting my stories here though.

3. In your own opinion, what makes your story(ies) romantic?

Hmm. To be honest, I'm really not sure. Haha. But I guess I try to make scenes as believable and realistic as possible? And I tend to make my characters more relatable even with their dialogues.

4. Why did you choose Romance?

To be honest, I'm really not sure. I mean, I didn't even have any sort of experience with romance. I'm a proud NBSB. But I guess in a sense, it's one of the easiest genres to write? I mean, a lot of people can relate to romance stories in a way or another.

5. What inspired you the most in writing Romance?

Aside from some experiences that I won't be elaborating on, I read a lot of Romance books as well. I guess it really goes that way. You'll be inspired to write stories of the same genre that you are reading the most.

6. From your perspective, what makes Romance different from other genres?

More people could relate to Romance and people sometimes wish for scenes that happen in Romance books to happen to them in real life too. I mean, who here didn't even dream of meeting their own true love or having a similar date to the characters while reading a Romance book?

7. How to know if your writing voice in Romance is effective?

If you yourself get kilig or feel different kinds of emotions while writing or reading whatever lines you have written. I don't know if it's just me but sometimes, I get kilig with my own characters or I cry as well when I write sad scenes. Even if you are the writer, if you felt something while writing your own scenes, then there's a high chance that the readers would feel it too.

8. Which point of view is effective in writing a Romance genre?

I'll have to say the first person POV. Aside from the fact that this is the most common POV, it's easier to understand and I feel like readers could relate more to the characters with this POV.

9. What is your advice for new writers who want to write a Romance story?

Always try to put yourself in the shoes of the characters and imagine what would you do or say if you're in that kind of situation. I tend to daydream a lot and it helps to write different scenarios. Also, after writing, read your own work. Think of yourself as someone reading another writer's work and see if the emotions are really felt all throughout the chapter/s.

10. What's your message to all your readers who continue to support you?

Heya guys!

Thank you for the continuous support that you have been giving me and my stories. I hope that you would keep on reading my works until the next few years or so. I really appreciate the support that you have given and have been giving me for the past years. Thanks again and I hope to see you soon when things get better.



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