- F O U R -

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KTH's P.O.V.

I woke up early as usual today and turned to write in my journal. The funny thing is, apart from Jungkook, I really couldn't remember what I did yesterday.

Suddenly my phone started ringing. It was alarm labelled "check chat with mom"

Did I set that alarm?

I opened the chat to remind myself that mom isn't home.

I lazily got out of bed and got ready to take Lemon out. Lemon was ready as usual and I sort of was too. I hoped to meet Jungkook and find out what's special about him.

I locked the door and got out. Students were scattered everywhere. I made my way to the same old park.

JJK's P.O.V.

Today, I didn't feel like going to college so I decided to skip a day and maybe find Taehyung at the park? I got up and dressed myself.

Since I live alone in an apartment near my college building, I had to make myself some breakfast. I just put together a sandwich and left.

I arrived at the park and sat down on a bench. There weren't many people here as most of them were at work. Just a few old couples here and there.

Soon enough I heard familiar barking. It was Lemon and Taehyung! I waved at them and motioned them to come here.

"Hey Taehyung! How are you?"

"I'm fine and you?" Taehyung laughed and replied to my question.

"Fine too" I said breaking eye contact with him.

"You aren't going to college?" He asked a little surprised.

"I decided not to". I hate it there.


Taehyung stayed quiet for a while then made his way to sit next to me. An awkward silence spread around us. I wanted to ask him something but I didn't know if I should do it now or later.

After debating for a while, I came with the conclusion that it's now or never.

"Hey... You don't remember me, right?"

"What?" He spoke with a questioning face.

"Oh um... This might shock you but I was in an accident a few months back and since then I've had short term memory loss... but I sort of remember stuff that happened before the accident, I just lost my sense of remembering after the accident..." He said while staring at his hands and fidgeting nervously.

"Oh... Didn't see that coming. How do you remember me then?"

"I don't know actually. Its weird, right? The doctors told me I had a little chance of recovering and I guess I remember you" Taehyung spoke in a really serious tone but smiled at the end of the sentence and looked up at me.

I stared at him with shock.

Did he just say that he remembers me more than anything?

The thought of that sentence made me blush a bit and I broke off the eye contact since it was getting intense.

"Oh um. Haha, that is crazy... But... We're still gonna be friends right? Even if you forget about me"

"What..." Taehyung replied a bit surprised.

I mentally face palmed myself.

What did I just blurt without even thinking.

Ugh, now he thinks I'm a weirdo.

"Oh would you look at the time, I have to go! Bye Taehyung!" With that I just dashed off leaving Taehyung dumbfounded.


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