- N I N E -

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After cursing at the laptop, I drank water and went to bed. I changed into my comfy clothes and made myself cozy in the cold sheets. I had to wait a while for the bed to get warm.

I closed my eyes and tried to think about what I did today. I saw Jungkook in front of my eyes. I remember talking with Jungkook. I remember going out for a walk. I remember talking to mom.

My eyes shot open at once and my heart started beating as fast as a baby birds'. I couldn't believe that I had remembered most of what I had done today! I was so happy that I could scream.

Tomorrow, I'm going to visit Doctor Park and tell him all about it! I reached for my phone and dialed his number. I had to wait a little while before he picked up.

"Hello Taehyung?"

"Hi Doctor Park! I'm sorry I'm disturbing you at this hour but I really need to meet you tomorrow! It seems like I am able to start remembering again!" I spoke fast and almost squealed out of excitement.

"Taehyung, that's good news! I'll make an open appointment for you right now, you can come in the morning. I'm so happy for you!"

"Thank you Doctor Park! See you soon" I said ecstatically and ended the call. I laid back on my bed and tears welled up in my eyes. I wiped them away and took deep breaths.

JJK's P.O.V.

I rushed back home as fast as I could.

Oh my god, why did I say that.

I had to stop myself from kicking the floor. My face red from embarrassment. Honestly, what's wrong with me.

I sat down on a chair and calmed myself. I drank a cold glass of water and tried to console myself that it wasn't my fault. I just asked a simple question. It's pretty normal.

Or is it?

I was just seconds away from passing out of anxiety when I heard my phone ring. Maybe it is Taehyung? I quickly snatched my phone out of my jacket and saw it wasn't Taehyung. A let out a big sigh.

It was Park Jimin also known as my best friend since 4th grade. I accepted the call and answered.

"Hey Jimi-" I was cut off my Jimin loudly saying something.

"Dude, what's up with you? You haven't called since winter break started! Oh my god, you're so irresponsible. I'm so sad"

"Sheesh, Mom, I'm sorry. What's up?"

"There's this awesome party tomorrow at my place and obviously I had to invite your lonely ass to come"

"Oh yeah? Who's coming?"

"Our batch from college. You can invite anyone you want too. I gotta go buy some stuff. See you there!"


A party huh? Guess I'll go but definitely not alone. I know its my best friends party but I should take someone else with me. I felt uneasy after thinking about asking Taehyung.

No! I should ask him to come. He must not have attended any parties for a long time, right? I should definitely man up. What can he do to me?

I got up, all cocky and stuff until my brain decided to ruin my mood by bombing me with scary thoughts like what if he doesn't wanna see me anymore? What if he's disgusted by me?

I frantically ran my hands through my hair in frustration. What the hell, Jungkook. Man up!

I was in a bad mood for the rest of the evening and night. Watching Netflix helped a bit and drinking chocolate banana milk felt even better.

I guess it won't be so bad after all then.



Jungkook loves chocolate and that's that. Love chocolate. Peace out.

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