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KTH's P.O.V.

I woke up today with a severe headache.

I wonder why...

I opened my phone and found out that it was 6 AM and my alarm is set for 7:30 AM but I didn't feel like going back to sleep.

I went to the washroom, took a bath, changed clothes, tried out the new perfume that I've been saving for decades, wore my same old sneakers.

After bathing I felt my headache getting better.

I opened my phone as I was walking downstairs, I tried calling mom. She still isn't picking up. Is she really that busy? She can't be ignoring me, right?


I looked down to my phone.

"One new message from Jungkook"

I opened the notification to see a picture of him in a bunny filter, the message saying, "Tae don't forget the Panini!"

Oh my God, he's sooo cute. How can one person be this cute. Why was I giggling like a girl, though? I cleared my throat and decided to send a picture to him too.

I closed my phone and made my way to the kitchen.

JJK's P.O.V.

I might be shy around people but I swear once I get me comfortable with someone, they try to find ways to get rid of me. Today was a weekend and it was really cloudy today.


"One new message from Taehyung"

Oh, what did he send me?

It's a picture.

Of Taehyung.

In wet hair.

This is my end. Goodbye.

I had almost spit my water because of this sudden act of hotness. It's making me get my inner fanboy out. That wet hair makes him look So. Hot. I need to stop myself from drooling over. I tried to divert my attention somewhere else.

I checked my wrist watch, it was 8:30 AM. Why did I wake up so early? Of course, to try Taehyung's cooking. Thinking about it made my stomach growl. With that, I grabbed an umbrella and skipped out the door.

God, I hope it doesn't rain.

I arrived at the park, in about 10 minutes (minus the 4 minutes I spent looking at the kites.) I made my way to the benches and sat down. Was I early again? I was about to stand up and look for Taehyung, when suddenly something white and fluffy banged into me.


"Argh Lemon! Get off!" I heard Taehyung exclaim as he tried pulling Lemon off of me.

"I'm really sorry. I don't know why this keeps happening to you" He chuckled a bit at the end and pulled my arm up.

"It's fine" I said laughing a little "I guess everyone likes me"

What the heck did I just say.

Trying to change the subject, I started getting straight forward.

"Ah, I see you have something for me?" I tried being cheeky.

"Oh yeah, I got you what you wanted..." A little smiled formed on his lips as he held out a box to me.

Yes! I was so starving. Wait- am I drooling again-

"No, it's just the rain" Taehyung spoke as if he heard my thoughts.

"Did I just say something?" I asked turning around to save myself from embarrassment cause of my current red face.

"Hey, should we head to that coffee shop?" Taehyung asked.

Without answering, I grabbed his arm and made a run for it.

We entered the cute looking café and chose a place to sit down.

"So, tell me about yourself" Taehyung asked as soon as we sat down.




✨ C R I N G E ✨

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