- S E V E N T E E N -

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KTH's P.O.V.

I entered the café at exactly 5 PM and saw Jungkook was already there waiting for me in his cool white attire. White really suited him. I waved at him and it seemed like he was completely lost in me.

When he saw the wave, he immediately waved back shyly and looked away. What's with him...? I sat down opposite to him.

"You're early?" I asked.

"Yeah... I couldn't wait for yo- I mean for this" Jungkook bit his lips nervously.

"Why are you nervous around me these days? Did I do something wrong?" I asked finally.

"What? No no. Sorry I was being like that... I won't be nervous anymore." Jungkook said trying to defend himself and giggling.

"That's good to hear then!" I gave him a smile which he returned back.

There was an awkward silence between us and I wanted to end it.

"Jungkook why do you live alone?"

JJK's P.O.V.

When he asked me that question, I felt my heart sinking deep into my stomach. If there's one thing I hate, its talking about my family.

I guess Taehyung saw me clenching the table cloth because his warm big hands wrapped themselves around mine.

"You don't have to tell if you don't want to. No pressure" He said smiling.

"Oh by the way, h-here... I thought of giving you chocolates but this was the only box I could find..." Taehyung said shyly handing me a pink, heart shaped box which was the shade of his cheeks now.

It looked like those valentines day gifts. I took it and laughed a little. This is so cute. It just made my day 10 times better, not to mention I was craving them too!

"Thank you so much Tae! You would not believe how much I wanted these! You're the best" I flashed a smile to him. It almost looked like we were a couple.

"I thought you wouldn't like it..." He smiled sheepishly which was really cute. It was hard to stop the urge to pinch his pink cheekies.

"I have your shirt by the way!"

"Ah thanks. I also brought your blue hoodie" Taehyung said handing me the clothes.

"You can have the hoodie. It was brand new so its a gift from me to you!"

"By the way, Tae... When's your mom coming?" I asked after a few seconds of admiring his heavenly face.

"She's coming after 3 days."

"You don't look that happy about it"

"I don't? Haha no, I'm feeling great" There was something on his face that says otherwise. I wanted to ask him but it would make him uncomfortable.

"So Jungkook, tell me about yourself and your hobbies and interests?" That was kind of unexpected...

"Uh well, I like making pancakes and I like playing video games. I don't like spiders and insects. I like sketching and painting too! I love buying shoes. What about you, Tae?"

"Hmm... I like singing and sketching too. These days I'm really into cooking and watching TV. I like to visit places and also photography! I don't like loud noises and trucks."

"Trucks?" I asked surprised and we both laughed.

"What about your dad?" I asked after a while.

"Oh he... he died when I was 7" Taehyung said looking away from me.

"I'm sorry..." I said looking down too.

"It's okay! It happened like 12 years ago so" Taehyung said getting cheerful.

"How's college for you? Do you pay your own fees?"

"Yeah... I have to work part time at this flower shop and book store but its fun. College is fun too! School was worse than college."

"I see..."

We kept talking about each other for a few more hours and drank our coffee. The weather was nice too. Overall, today was going great. I was with my crush after all.

"Hey Tae! Look what I found in my gallery!" I said while trying to hold my laugh in and showed him the video from yesterday night.

KTH's P.O.V.

My mouth was basically hung open and I couldn't believe my eyes. What the heck did I just see. Me, shirtless. Jungkook, shirtless.

What the hell happened that night!?

I've never ever seen that side of me. Ever. Was this how people act when they're drunk? That's not what I've seen in dramas... Maybe it's just me.

"Surprised?" Jungkook asked teasingly "I told you you were not sober"

"Ugh... I'm so embarrassed right now" I said trying to hide my face with my hands.

"I think that was really-" Jungkook got cut off by my phone ringing.

It was mom!



MOM! You ruined the mood!

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