- T H R E E -

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I sat patiently near the main entrance door as it was almost time for mom to come. I was nervous. Was it only a one time thing? Would it never happen again? Or will I be okay now?

"Why is she late today" I asked frustrated under my breath.

A few moments later I heard a notification sound from my phone.

Taehyung, honey, I'm really sorry I couldn't tell you this in person but I have to go to Busan for a couple of weeks for work. The CEO told me it would be good for us as I can put it on my résumé. I'm sorry Taehyung. I know you are a very capable boy and I put my trust in you. You know how everything works and I hope you'll be okay. Love you.

Mom you don't need to worry about me. I'm all grown up now and I'll definitely be fine. If its good for you then you can go. I won't forget about this, I promise :) love you too. Bye.

I closed my phone disappointed as heck. Of all the days, she had to leave today.

I opened the fridge to find boxes of food stacked neatly.


With a big smile on my face, I pulled out one of the boxes and closed the fridge. I put the box in the microwave and thought about what I did today.

I met a boy named Jungkook and he said he wanted to be my friend.

When my previous friends heard about my problem. They all left me one by one, even the ones I'd never expected. It left me alone and I needed someone to talk to. I know my mom was always there but there was something lacking.


I grabbed my dinner and sat down. I couldn't tell if I was happy or sad. I chuckled to myself.

JJK's P.O.V.

It's him.

The guy who saved me from bullies, a month ago. I never got a chance to say thank you because he left instantly after making the bullies go.


I was really hurt that time. It all happened in the same bullies had a really tiring day from school and I just wanted to relax somewhere.

I was just chilling when a group of 4 boys came up to me and starting hitting me with rocks or any other thing they could find. At that time I was hopeless.

I tried running away but they had me cornered and at that time Taehyung came running at them. Taehyung was tall and scary looking and when the bullies saw him they immediately retreated.

He helped me up and ran away back. That was the first time I had ever met someone like that. I couldn't bring myself to say anything because of shock.

His features were clearly in my brain. His soft yet scary eyes, his deep voice, his black hair, he was more taller than me. I wanted to see him again but before I could catch up with him he had already left.

And if it wasn't for me being gay, the bullies would've never attacked and then my rescuer wouldn't have helped me.



guys, sorry. Wtf is wrong with me jfdofnksnx

I really cannot come up with good ideas for this ff. HOPELESS


I'll try to get better.

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