- T W E N T Y -

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We both walked to the entrance and he paid for the tickets even though I kept insisting that I would pay, he still wouldn't budge. We went inside finally.

"Where do you wanna go first?" I asked Taehyung.

"Tea cups?" He said after thinking a little.

I smiled and grabbed his hand so that we both could run to the tea cups. There wasn't much of a crowd since it was a weekday but I didn't have to story about that cause it was my winter break.

We did teacups, marry-go-round, bumpy carts, roller coasters and a lot other things. Taehyung said he wanted to keep the Ferris wheel for the last so we went to eat something for the meanwhile.

KTH's P.O.V.

So far, my time with Jungkook was going fun. We both were having a great time. The roller coaster was fun. Jungkook kept screaming and forced me to put my hands up.

I was getting tired a little but seeing Jungkook with this much energy made me feel bad for being tired. His eyes twinkled like stars every time he went on a ride.

At that point, I had completely fallen for him and everything about him. I decided to put ferris wheel on the last so I could confess to him when we reach the top. Until then we decided to eat.

There was a street filled with different little stalls with so many different foods. Millions of smells surrounded us. There were fries, burgers, tacos, ramen, rice cakes and so on.

As we walked around the stalls silently, our hands kept brushing with each other. It was hard to force myself not to hold Jungkook's hand. It was a comfortable silence and definitely not an awkward one.

"You want an ice cream?" Jungkook asked with big puppy eyes.

"I do." I said and ruffled his hair.

We both went to the ice cream stall and this time Jungkook paid. He picked chocolate flavour and I picked vanilla. We both sat down on the bench and stared at the night sky.

I was afraid that maybe Jungkook would reject me and then we could never be friends again. I looked and him and he looked at me and for a moment, I wished that the time would stop and only me and Jungkook could be alone.

"You have something on your lips..." Jungkook said staring at my lips. His hands came closer to my mouth and his thumb brushed against my lower lip.

"It's cream, see?" He said showing me his thumb and licking it.

Did he just lick it-

A subtle blush settled on my cheeks when I noticed I had been staring at him for too long. I think it was time now. I have to do it.

"Jungkook, let's go" I smiled and took his hand within mine and made way to the ferris wheel.

We stood in line and I looked at Jungkook staring the big ferris wheel in awe.

"Tae... I'm scared of heights..." He said after a while.

"You're what?" I chuckled and looked at him.

"Can you stay close to me?"


It was our turn and we both got in the cart. I made sure that the doors were locked correctly and if out cart was good enough. I looked over to Jungkook and he was sitting like a little cat on the seat. Cute.

JJK's P.O.V.

I'm so afraid of heights but I couldn't let Taehyung down on this one. He seemed to be so excited for this ride only. I would've destroyed the whole mood so I decided to follow him.

We got in the cart and sat down making myself as small as possible because I was scared and cold. Taehyung came and sat next to me which made me feel a little comfortable.

"It's going really slow, you can loosen up" Tae said slightly nudging.

"N-no way!"

Taehyung laughed and that kind of made me laugh too. After a while I realised it wasn't that bad.

Suddenly Taehyung faced me and looked really nervous.

"What? What is it? Is the cart going to fall?" I said getting nervous too. I didn't notice that I had grasped Taehyung's arms in the process of freaking out.

"Jungkook there's something I want to tell you..." Taehyung looked at me solemnly, "You're like the first friend I've made after my accident and I can't tell you how much our friendship means to me. You trust me and I appreciate that a lot..."

He stopped and I watched him closely.

"I... I like you... A lot" Taehyung said smiling a little.




Ooo he confessed!!!

Let's celebrate the birth of TAEKOOK

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