- E L E V E N -

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JJK's P.O.V.

ring bzz ring bzz

"Hey, Jungkook, you're phone's ringing!" I heard Jimin yelling from the kitchen, even though I was just around the corner.

"Alright, sheesh, no need to shout..." My words faded as soon as I picked up my phone and saw the word "Taehyung". I accepted the call and went outside taking a deep breath.

" H-hey Taehyung"

"Hi jungkook. How have you been? Its been like 3 days since we haven't met."

"Oh... Um sorry about that..."

"Why do you sound so low? Is everything okay? I got your picture by the way" He chuckled a bit at the end.

"That-that was a mistake I swear!" I said frantically trying to find a way to prove it was an accident and I'm a total doofus.

"A really sexy mistake though"


He just called me sexy... He. Just. Called. Me. Sexy. I'm not okay.

"What're you doing tonight" He suddenly snapped back.

"Oh yeah! About that. Taehyung, I wanna invite to a party tonight? It's at my friend's house. You can say no if you don't want to..."

"Well, I'm free tonight and I'm having a good day so far. I also wanna tell you something too! I think I can come."

"Great! I'll text you the details. Can't wait to meet you" I almost sang the last sentence. What is wrong with me?

"Haha, okay then. Bye"

I'm pretty sure Taehyung just meant that I looked nice when he said sexy, right? This is driving me crazy.

I heard Jimin yelling again that he broke the plastic cups. I quickly texted Taehyung the details and went back inside.

KTH's P.O.V.

"That-that was a mistake I swear!"

"A really sexy mistake though" Wait what did I just say-

I froze there for a second trying to process what the heck did I just say. It was the truth though... Right? I couldn't argue with myself at the moment so I quickly changed the subject.


After talking to Jungkook, I felt kind of excited to go to a party after 5 months or maybe more. The address he texted me was not very far away. He said I should dress casual?

I opened up my closet and picked out skinny, black ripped jeans and a slightly over sized white shirt. I lay them on my bed and thought if they were party-ish enough.

When it was almost 7 PM, I texted Jungkook that I was leaving. I grabbed my car keys and went out.

I made it to the party in about 10 minutes and I saw Jungkook was waiting outside for me. There weren't that many people. I guess I am early.

I got out the car.

"Hey Jungkook!" I said as I walked towards him.

"H-hi..." He replied looking at me up and down then he got a little shy.

"Why are you so shy?" I asked teasingly.

"You look good... How have you been?" He was red but he changed the subject.

"I'm good" I said with a smile.

"Come inside then" this time he also had a smile.

The house itself was well decorated. There were neon lights and music. Few people here and there and some alcohol too. I wonder if I could drink...

"Ah Jimin! Here's my friend Taehyung" Jungkook was now suddenly introducing me to a friend.

"Ah hello! I'm Park Jimin and this is my party" Jimin said with a cute smile. He was wearing red jeans with a black shirt and his hair were messy.

"Taehyung. Good to meet you! Your party is nice" I tried to be polite.

"Dude, no need to get formal, we're friends! Also I invited close friends first so we can get drunk and play games!" Jimin said as he walked away, leaving me and Jungkook alone.

It had just been a little while but Jimin was already bringing alcohol in our direction. Saying that he wanted to play 'truth and dare' as in a drinking game kind of way.

I looked at Jungkook and cleared my throat. Why was I nervous?



OoOOoOOO truth and dareee tehehehe.

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