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"H-hey listen, this is probably irrelevant and you can skip the answer if you want but... What's your sexuality...?" Jungkook spoke out of the blue and I could see the sudden regret on his face.

I, myself, was shocked as well. I don't remember the last time someone asked me about my sexuality. Before I even had a chance to answer, Jungkook stood up and ran out the door.

I was sitting there like a kid who had just been ditched by his mother because she found a cool dress on sale.

To be honest, I wanted him to stay and listen to me but at the moment everyone was staring at me.

I didn't know what else to do so I grabbed Lemon, paid for doggy treats (since me and Jungkook just ate the sandwiches) and left too. The rain had stopped and the sun came out.

I walked home and plopped down on the sofa. I decided calling Jungkook but it looked like that he made the decision before me.

I held the vibrating phone and quickly answered it


"Listen Taehyung, I'm really sorry about what I asked. I was really stupid, can you forgive me? I feel like this is gonna ruin our friendship. You're the first ever friend I've made ever since everyone got disgusted over the fact that I'm gay I'm sorry-"

"Wait wait wait... Did you just say you're gay?"

"I... No... Yes... UHHHH-"


Okay that was weird...

Jungkook being gay came as a total surprise to me but I can't blame him for being gay, right? It's his life and he can do whatever he wants with it. That being said I thought again over my sexuality. Am I straight? Bisexual? Or Gay?

Only one way to find out, TO THE INTERNET!

I pulled out my laptop and googled, "how to know your sexuality" and then a million websites of different quizzes popped up. I just clicked one of them.

There were about 15-18 questions regarding if I ever had a girlfriend or a boyfriend and stuff like that. Until this one question came that caught me off guard.

"Is there any current person who is of the same sex and you like him/her"

I had to pause for a moment. All I could think of was Jungkook. Do I actually like like him? As in a sexual way? I did find him cute and sweet but-

My train of thoughts was cut off by a ringing voice of my phone. It was mom! I threw the laptop away and I picked up the call.

"Hi mom?"

"Hi dear, how have you been? Is everything okay?" She spoke as if she was in a hurry.

"Yes mom. Everything's fine. There's something I need to tell yo-" I was gonna tell her how I started remembering stuff again.

"Oh that's really good to hear! Listen, Tae, they're calling for me and I have to go. Its been a really busy week... I'm so sorry I won't be able to attend calls. I love you! Bye!"

"Bye... Love you too..." I sat back down holding the phone in my hand. I really wanted to tell her about myself but I didn't know she was that busy... Guess I'll wait for another chance.

Oh right! My quiz! I turned around to find the laptop and turned it on again. I waited patiently for a while but the black screen wasn't turning on.

What the heck?

"Battery low"




taekook or vkook?

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