- F I V E -

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KTH's P.O.V.

"Oh um. Haha, that is crazy... But... We're still gonna be friends right? Even if you forget about me"

"What..." I was a bit taken aback.

Come to think of it, I forget everything except Jungkook. If he had waited for my answer it would've been definitely a "No" I could never forget him for some reason. I wonder what?

Before I could answer or say anything, he ran off as fast as those long legs could take him. I was left alone for a while but when I looked up I saw him coming back. I stared at him questioningly.

"Sorry... I... Wanted to... Give you this... Okay" and after that sentence, he gave me a piece of paper and dashed off again without hearing me out. That kind of got me frustrated.

I looked at the little piece of paper and realised he just gave me his number.

Guess we're really friends now.

I didn't notice I was smiling. It got sunny afterwards and me and Lemon decided to chill in.

We reached home and had some lemonade. I tried calling mom but every time the operator would tell that her phone is off. Guess she must be busy.

The rest of the day went as usual. I tried cooking a new recipe since I was almost out of mom-cooked-meals. I made panini sandwiches. They turned out pretty good and I was happy with myself.

When I was all done with cleaning, cooking and eating I decided to sleep early. I went up to my bedroom and started changing into something more comfortable. When I was folding my jeans a piece of paper landed down.

Oh right! I should text Jungkook.

I pulled out my phone and dialed the number.

Hello Jungkook? It's me Taehyung :)

After a short while he replied.

hiii I was waiting for your text since noon! what took u so long?

Sorry... I was busy trying out this new recipe that I learnt.

omg wow! Didn't know you could cook. I'd like to try your cooking :D

Oh? I'll bring you something tomorrow then.

Yaaayy thank u! its kinda good to know u didn't forget about me lol

Even the way he types is childish.

Its funny but you seem to stay put in my mind...

wow I'm so speciallll haha

hey its getting late. We'll talk later k? you should get sleep too byeeee.

Okay, bye! Don't miss school tomorrow!

sheesh what a grandpa...


I chuckled at his last text and yawned afterwards. It feels like the first time someone asked me about my cooking. I started thinking of giving Jungkook some paninis?

Soon enough my eye lids felt heavy and I drifted off to sleep.

JJK's P.O.V.

I sighed a little and threw my phone over to my side.

I smiled a bit. I had to admit, I had a little crush on Taehyung. I kinda found him cute and silly, yet he was nice and I felt comfortable with him.

I even looked forward to meeting with him... When he said that he couldn't forget me, I could've sworn that I blushed beet red.

Could there be a chance for us?


I started choking on my blankie as I fell asleep.


idek anymoreeeee this is so cringey :)

I hate rewriting old stories. Just reading this makes me wanna throw up

n e ways

Stream dynamite.

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