- N I N E T E E N -

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KTH's P.O.V.


Damn it. I fell down again! But today isn't a day to feel sad about these things because me and Jungkook were going on a date today!

Is it okay to call it a date?

I got out of bed- more like off the floor and went to shower. I changed into a white shirt and light washed jeans with a green jacket. I tried to fix my hair but after failing, I gave up and went downstairs for breakfast.


I sat down with a bowl of cereal and turned on the TV.

I often get lost in thought when the TV turns on.

I started thinking about the accident I was in which caused me a lot of damage...

I remember it was night time and I was driving when the brakes failed after that I remember nothing... Nothing at all. Maybe if I was careful none of this wouldn't have happened...

Then my thoughts trailed off to Jungkook and the first time we had met... In the park. It was the first time in 5 months that I had actually remembered something.


What's so special about Jungkook that he basically picked me up from trash and cleaned me? I had completely lost hope and I was done with myself. I couldn't remember anything.

I owe so much to Jungkook for just appearing in front of me.

I like Jungkook.

Wait what-

I like Jungkook? I like him?

I was basically having an argument with myself about weather I like Jungkook or I'm just being weird. In the end I did admit to myself that I do like Jungkook. I liked him ever since I felt something in that kiss at the party.

He was quirky and flawed but still perfect to me. I guess I actually am gay for him after all.

Should I confess to him today? I'm nervous to go now.

JJK's P.O.V.

It was 2 PM right now and there wasn't much to do. I had changed and brushed and ate and did anything I could do to pass time.

I took out my sketch book and flipped the pages. Most of them were filled with random birds and flowers. I got bored of drawing birds and flowers continuously so I decided to do something new.

I thought of sketching Taehyung and gifting it to him later today. I opened my phone and went to the gallery. I found this one perfect picture from yesterday at the cafe that I took secretly while he was on the phone with his mom. I decided to sketch that.

I started with his face and got completely lost in drawing that I didn't realise it was 4 already. I pulled out my phone and texted Taehyung my address. He told me he was gonna be there in a few minutes.

I took a last look at myself and locked my apartment door. I went outside to the main entrance and waited for his car to show up. It took about 5 minutes for him to come.

The car stopped in front of me and Taehyung got out of the front seat and came to me.

"Hi Kook!"

"Hi Tae" I replied, waving shyly.

Taehyung opened the passenger seat for me and bowed making him look like some chauffeur.

Why was he so funny and cute?

I went and sat down and Taehyung closed the door.

"Gentleman much?" I asked sarcastically when he sat down next to me.

"Just doing the best for you" He replied while fastening his seatbelt. When he was done he stared at me for a while and I looked at him with a questioning face.

"The seatbelt"

"Oh right" I said pulling the seatbelt towards myself. It stopped in mid way.

Shit. It's stuck. I didn't break it, right?

"Um Tae... The seatbelt..." I said poking his arm slightly.

He noticed what was wrong and with one swift move his arm came around me and so did his face. I swear my heart wasn't able to take this much. I could feel myself getting red seeing him this close to me.

He made eye contact with me for a few seconds and helped me buckle my belt. After that he cleared his throat.

"It uh tends to do that..." He said after a while and started the car.

It was a quiet ride and both of us were blushing. We reached at the park after a while and Taehyung parked his car.

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