- F O U R T E E N -

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KTH's P.O.V.

I woke up with a splitting head ache. I couldn't even open my eyes properly and every inch of my body hurt like hell. I paused for a second to massage my temples when suddenly reality hit me.

This is not my house. This is not my room. This is not my bed. I looked down at myself to see me topless with only my jeans on. I looked around the room for any signs of kidnappers.

Suddenly the bathroom door opened and Jungkook came out after taking a bath.

"What the hell?!" I yelled at him while covering myself with a blanket.

"What?" Jungkook asked as if none of this was weird to him.

"Why am I shirtless? Why am I here? What is this place? Where's my shirt? What did we do last night? What happened?" I started bombarding him with questions.

"Relax! I'll tell you after you shower." Jungkook threw me a towel and shirt. I had no other choice but to shower.

I stood under the hot water and tried to think really hard about what happened last night. The last thing I remember is...

Kissing Jungkook at a party...

The thought of it really made me wanna punch myself. I had to turn on cold water since it was getting hot. I came out wearing a blue hoodie.

I couldn't find Jungkook anywhere so I went outside to find him. He was in his kitchen making some sort of soup. I marched my way up to him and glared.

"I'll tell you, but first have this 'hangover soup'. It's my special recipe" Jungkook said proudly showing his bunny teeth.

I sighed and did as he said. While I was eating he started explaining stuff.

"So yesterday night... You got really drunk and I didn't know your address so the safest thing I could've done for you was to bring you at my place. I swear I didn't do anything to you... You came at me first and-"

When I heard jungkook saying "I came at him first" I choked on my soup and I think I spat it too.

"What-what do you you mean..." I managed to say after coughing like crazy.

"Um, I don't remember well since I was drunk too but you started unbuttoning your shirt and..." Jungkook said avoiding my gaze.

"I... We... What? I-I'm not like that! I swear... We didn't do anything... Right?" I couldn't believe it. My heart was basically hammering inside me.

"As far as I can remember... No" Jungkook said reassuringly.

"I understand if you hate me for that... Thanks for the soup" I couldn't say anything else to Jungkook at the moment. My head ache got better but now my heart was going crazy. I dashed out his front door. I could hear Jungkook calling out my name to stop me but I was fast.

As I was walking with my head low, I couldn't help but think if I really meant to do those things... Do I really like Jungkook? I mean he is really nice towards me and I really cherish our friendship but do I like him in a 'love' kind of way?

Only thing I could do was to try and think about what I did to Jungkook last night. Ugh! I'm so embarrassed...



They be havin the time of their lives ;-;

tete is gay for kookie

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