- T W E L V E -

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JJK's P.O.V.

"Okay so now we all know how to play, right?" Jimin asked after 19 minutes of explaining the game and getting frustrated.

Everyone nodded in response. There were only 4 other people except me and Taehyung. It was like our close friends circle.

"Okay so who goes first?" I asked.

"How about the newbie?" Yoongi, another friend, pointed at Taehyung.

"A-are you sure" Taehyung strutters in response.

They all starting cheering him on and all he had to do was to spin the bottle. I watched carefully as the spinning bottle starting slowing down.

KTH's P.O.V.

I seriously couldn't understand a word Jimin was saying for some reason I was really scared.

They all chose me to spin the bottle off first and I did it. It was easy until the bottle starting slowing down and its tip ended on


He was sitting opposite to me.

"Oh my gosh, you know what this means right?" Jimin clapped his mouth and stared at Jungkook with wide eyes.

"Um what?" I asked confused. Shouldn't Jungkook be asking truth or dare?

"Taehyung! You really weren't listening!" Jimin said flustered.

Jungkook was deep red and he was trying to avoid my gaze.

"Taehyung, the rules are the person who spins the bottle has to kiss the other person sitting opposite to them" Hoseok, also a game member, explained as calmly as he could.

Wait. What-

I have to... Kiss Jungkook...?

And now it was my turn to blush.

"Those are the rules, you can go in that room if you want" Jimin was almost crying with laughter.

JJK's P.O.V.

Why did I sit opposite to Taehyung. It doesn't seem like I sat there on purpose, right? I really had no intention of doing this and I didn't wanna make Taehyung uncomfortable.

"You can go in that room if you want"

Me and Taehyung both looked in that direction and none of us stood up. We just froze. Non of us had ever kissed the same gender before. I wonder if he's ever kissed anyone before?

When neither of us were getting up, Yoongi started pushing us both.

"Okay okay! Stop pushing!" I yelled to Yoongi as he walked proudly back.

We were both in the room and it was empty, there was a weird tension between us.

"You have to come closer" I heard Taehyung say.

He wanted me to come closer? My heart just stopped and I gulped hard.

I took nervous tiny steps towards him until I got close enough to his face.

"Listen, uh, none of us has done this before so I don't know-" I cut off Taehyung by giving him a peck on his lips.

Yes, my heart stopped beating and my legs were shaking like crazy. I felt really cold.

KTH's P.O.V.

"Listen, uh, none of us has done this before so I don't know-" I was suddenly cut off by Jungkook standing on his tippy toes and

He just kissed me.

It wasn't a kiss but more like a peck and he immediately retreated back a bit. Meanwhile, I was left shook as heck. What just happened?

Did Jeon Jungkook... Kiss me?

My face started feeling warm and it didn't take me long to realise that I was blushing really hard. My heart felt like it was in my throat. I felt like I've fallen for him.

It took about two more seconds for him to finally speak.

"Taehyung, let-let's go get d-drinks" Jungkook spoke without looking at me. God, he was more red than me.

"Sure" I finally managed to say something.

When he opened the door, it seemed like a whole new world. People starting crashing in like crazy. The music got louder and it felt really suffocating.

Jungkook grabbed my arm, which took me by surprise and dragged me over to where the drinks were.

Jungkook just messed with my heartstrings.



Well damn.
We weren't expecting a kiss so soon, right? Or maybe we were?

I'm deciding on making this book short.

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