- T W E N T Y O N E -

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"I...I like you... A lot"

I had almost choked on air about what he just said.

He... Likes me? For real?

I couldn't believe it. My heart was pounding like a sledge hammer inside me. I turned towards him and stared.

"I like you too Taehyung... Ever since I met you, I've liked you" I finally confessed to him and he had confessed to me.

Taehyung smiled in relief and I did too. His hand made its way around my neck and he placed it there. His head started moving slowly towards me.

I grabbed his right hand and moved my face towards him too.

I closed the gap between our lips. He kissed me so passionately and I did too. I deepened the kiss and moved closer to him. We made out for a few seconds and pulled away trying to gasp for air.

"You're my first boyfriend ever" I said smiling towards him.

"You're my first boyfriend too, Kook"

KTH's P.O.V.

I did it. I confessed to him and he confessed back. This was the best day of my life. It felt like a huge load got off of my chest. We both got off and the first thing Jungkook did was grab my hand and intertwine his fingers with mine.

The two of us walked quietly to my car and said nothing. We just kept smiling and the tint of red in our cheeks remained. I held the door open for Jungkook and he sat inside.

I got in too and kept smiling like an idiot. I need to stop. I started the engine and we drove off.

"Today was the best day ever..." Jungkook said in a low voice while he held my hand that was laying on my lap.

"Best day, indeed" I said and squeezed his hand a little.

I stopped in front of his apartment door and Jungkook got out. I followed behind him and we both stopped for a second.

After a few seconds of just staring at each other, Jungkook walked towards me and gave me a peck on my cheek.

"Just the cheek?" I asked teasingly.

"Y-yeah..." Jungkook said rubbing his cheeks "Thanks for today, Tae. I really enjoyed it!"

"Aw, you're welcome, Baby. Now shoo. Go inside, it's cold. Text me?" I said smirking a little. I'm such a tease.

JJK's P.O.V.

"Aw, you're welcome, Baby. Now shoo. Go inside its cold. Call me?"


I think I can die in happiness now.

I went back inside inside and gave out a loud sigh. I still couldn't get over the fact that the guy I had a crush on just confessed to me and we both were a thing now.

KTH's P.O.V.

The drive back home was quiet but warm. Today was a really good day. I finally confessed my feelings and I even got a reaction that was better than my imagination. What more could I ask for?

I never realised that one day I'd be in a relationship with a 'guy' and not just any guy, a really sweet, handsome and a caring guy. A boyfriend who's mine.

I arrived at my home and directly made my way to my room. I changed into comfy clothes and snuggled up in bed. I pulled out my phone to see a message from Jungkook.

My face immediately lit up with happiness.


Gonna sleep later :)

missing my boyfie already.
I'm saving your name as 'boyfie' teehee.

Ahaha that's cute and I miss you too, babyyy

SNDKEKF don't call me that! It makes me shy

Okay baby ;)

I like you so much.

I like you more, kook.



annnnd this is the end guys! I told you all this was gonna be short sooo yeah. Hope you liked it? Even if you didn't its fine :)

Thank you for reading! Ly

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