- E I G H T E E N -

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I took the phone and accepted the call and excused myself from Jungkook for a little while and answered.

"Hi mom?"

"Hi darling! How are you?"

"I'm fine mom, how are you? You're coming after 3 days, right?"

"Yes Tae, I just wanted to call and confirm! Are you home right now? I miss you so much"

"No mom... I'm with a friend..." I said looking at Jungkook.

"Oh wow! A friend! That's so good to hear. Is she a girl?"

"No mom..."

"Aw, too bad. I would've loved to see you get a girlfriend!"

Girlfriend...? How about a boyfriend?

"Haha, mom I have to go... See you soon. I love you"

"Love you too! Bye!"

I ended the call.

"Sorry Jungkook, what were you say-" I looked up to see tears in Jungkook's eyes.

"What happened? Why are you crying suddenly?" I said wiping his tears away from his eyes.

Did I do or say something wrong...?

"It's just... You have such a good relationship with your mother. It makes me sad" Jungkook said in between hiccups.

Seeing him like this really made me weak inside. Was he crying because he couldn't get along with his parents well? I felt really sorry for Jungkook at that moment.

"Shh Jungkook. It's alright. Wanna talk to me about it?"

He nodded and stopped crying after a few seconds.

"Me and my parents... We were all a happy family but then one day..." He stopped and clenched his fists again. I held his hands in mine to make him comfortable.

"One day... My mom and dad were fighting and I tried to stop them... It didn't work and I got hit a lot. That's when my parents said they wanted a divorce and non of them wanted to take me... So they gave me a little money to help me stand on my feet... It happened about a year ago..." He stopped and looked at me.

I looked at him back with sad eyes.

Was he really holding all that behind himself?

"Jungkook... I'm really sorry about that. Truly. It really pains me to see you hurting like that so please stop hurting inside and let yourself be happy for the people you have. Thank you for telling me..." I said and pulled him in for a hug and he hugged back.

Jungkook was so fragile and soft. I couldn't let anyone hurt him like that. Without noticing I started caressing his cheek.

JJK's P.O.V.

Taehyung pulled me out of the hug and stared at me. His hand came closer and closer to my face and started caressing it. This was the first time I had ever received such affection.

It was hard to hold back the tears but luckily I found someone who listens. I don't have that many friends but I do know Taehyung is my favorite for ever.

A slight blush settled on my cheeks and Taehyung pulled his hand back.

Why did he stop?

"Do you wanna go to a theme park with me tomorrow? You're not doing anything important tomorrow, right?"

"I'd love to come Taehyung!" Jungkook said clasping his hand together and smiling.

"Yay! It's decided then! Want me to pick you up?" He asked casually like if he was my boyfriend. Pfft I wish...

"Sure... I'll text you the address then!"

We both said goodbye and went back home.


As I lay down in my bed, I thought about if Taehyung meant this was gonna be a like a date or something. I closed my eyes, excited for tomorrow.

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