- F I F T E E N -

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JJK's P.O.V.

Taehyung was getting ready to leave and I didn't even apologise yet. I tried to go after him and called him but he ran really fast and I still had my hangover head ache going on.

After I lost sight of him, I decided it was no use in following him and I just went back inside. I couldn't get a good sleep too because I was laying on the sofa and my back was aching.

I decided to take a nap. I jumped on the bed. I was trying to find a comfy position when I saw a white shirt on the corner of my bed. It was Taehyung's shirt. He probably needs it. Should I go to him?

No Jungkook! Stop being possessive

I turned the other side and grabbed my phone to text Taehyung about his shirt. The first thing I saw as soon as I unlocked my phone was a video of Taehyung, shirtless again.

I practically screeched when I saw myself shirtless in the background as well, asleep on the couch. I played the video and watched patiently.

"heehee hi guys, its me, Taehyung! I got Jungkookie's phone~ he's sleeping over there like a little baby! Let me show you guys~. See here? this is my baby"

I had to throw my phone away when he said "my baby". How can he say something like that and throw me off guard. What else did he do while I was asleep...

I started sliding left to see if there was anything else. There were a few other blurry pictures of Taehyung, nothing much.

I stopped to think for a second if my feelings for Taehyung were true... I mean I did like him. He's my type and he's really good to me and I have a crush on him. Do I 'like like' him? Psh, obviously, I do like him.

KTH's P.O.V.

I reached home and plopped down on the sofa. I stretched myself a little. I looked down at my blue shirt, the one Jungkook gave me. It smelt just like him.

Thinking about this shirt reminded me of my white shirt that is probably back at his house. Shit! I forgot to grab it before I left. Should I go back to his place again?

I should just text him. I pulled out my phone.

hey Jungkook
Um I was just wondering if you've seen my white shirt?
I think its probably at your place
Should I come and get it and give you your clothes back too?

The messages were delivered but not read yet. There wasn't much to do so I just hung around the kitchen, made something to eat and changed clothes. I washed Jungkook's shirt and pressed it, so I could also have a reason to meet him.


It was a call! I hope it's Jungkook. I pulled out my phone to see. It wasn't Jungkook...

...it was mom.

"Hi mom?"

"Hello darling! How have you been? Its been so long"

"I'm fine mom... How are you?"

"I'm good as usual... So happy to know you didn't forget your own mom!" She laughed a little after that sentence. I kept quiet.

"Taehyung... I'm coming home after 3 days. I know you have a lot to tell me and I can't wait for it. I'll see you soon. Bye Taehyung! Mom loves you" She ended the call earlier than I thought. I was left speechless. She's coming back in 3 days!

I wanted to feel happy but for some reason I couldn't... because then I'll have to tell her about how I started remembering things and I felt anxious of that. Come to think if it... I didn't even tell Jungkook about it yet!



Taehyung really missed out such a big thing? Tsk tsk
He better hurry and tell Jungkook

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