- S I X T E E N -

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I decided to call Jungkook and talk to him about stuff I've been wanting say to him. I called him.

"Hey Jungkook?"

"Yes Tae?" He was awfully quiet. I wonder if I did something wrong...

"I figured we both have some stuff we need to talk about. Can we meet in the café we went to when it was raining?" I was hoping for a yes.

"Oh sure... I'm free today, when do you wanna go?" He seemed to be in a better mood now.

"5 PM sounds nice?" I asked.

"Sounds good! See you there!" He ended the call but I felt like he was smiling when he said that.

I pulled my phone away and stared at the time written on the screen. It was 2 PM now. What should I do till then? I looked around to see Lemon laying down sadly.

"You wanna go for a walk, boy?" I asked clapping my hands.

As if he understood me, he got up and started wagging his tail. I took that as a yes and grabbed my favorite jacket.

We both walked down the street when I saw a candy shop. I wondered if Jungkook likes candies? His personality says yes though. I went inside and got him a box of distorted chocolates.

The only problem was, the box itself was a heart shape. That would seem a bit weird, right? I just shrugged it off and headed back to my place.

There were still 2 hours left to go so I decided to pick out my outfit for today.

JJK's P.O.V.

God, its so cold today! Luckily I have this mug of hot cocoa to keep me warm. I sat down all comfy in front of my TV and turned it on.

There wasn't anything good on it so I wasn't paying attention. My thoughts trailed back to my little conversation with Taehyung. Honestly, I was so nervous when he called.

I thought he was gonna put an end to our friendship right away. Luckily I was wrong. But what did he mean by 'stuff'? What stuff does he want to ask me? The thought of it left me a empty feeling in my stomach.

I headed to the kitchen to find something sweet. Eating sweets help me with anxiety. I was craving chocolates! Sadly, I didn't have any. I came back disappointed.

I turned back to the TV and didn't realise how fast time went by. It was 4:15 PM when I shut the TV off.

"Oh my- shit! I'm gonna be late!" I almost threw the mug.

I ran off to my closet and picked out a white hoodie and white jeans. All white today! I wondered what Taehyung would be wearing? Whatever he wears makes him look so hot.

I rushed in the washroom and changed. I managed to make my hair look a little presentable. I grabbed my white vans, Taehyung's shirt and my keys. The only thing left was to run. It took me 5 minutes to notice that why didn't I take my car?

Wow. I'm dumb.

Thankfully I made it on time. Maybe a little too early? No, only a few minutes early. I sat down on the spot where we sat last time and looked outside. I didn't place our order, since I wanted to wait.

10 minutes passed and there was no sign of him yet. I was bored so I decided to look out the window and count all white cars. After about a minute or two, I saw Taehyung coming.

He wore a black turtle neck that fitted him perfectly over his shoulders and black jeans. He was holding something in his hand which was pink but I couldn't see. His hair were scattered over face in a messy (but good) way.

How can I not fall for him when he's walking towards me like that.



Pretty sure y'all would simp for Taehyung in black

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