The First Meeting

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“Lee Chaerin, you better get your ass here now. Dad’s ear starting to get red” Chaerin’s one and only brother is yelling in her ear.

“Oppa~ please….help me…. I’m still stuck at this damn traffic!”

“What do you mean you still stuck?! I told you right?? You troublesome little….aishhhh! I’m going to strangle you later!” Seung Hyun is mad at his little sister.

Today, according to their father is a really special day for him. Well, aside from the opening ceremony for their new resort in Jeju Island, today is something more to him. Today is the day where he wants to introduce his best friend to both of his children.

“Boo!” Chaerin pushes her brother lightly from behind and he immediately turn to face her.

“You little! Aish~~” he knocked her head lightly.

“Haha, omo oppa… you look like dad when he’s mad.”

“You think it’s funny? You missed out the opening ceremony.. and what are you wearing? I thought I told you it’s a formal function! Why are you wearing this?” he sigh and shakes his head seeing Chaerin wearing leather pants paired with a white Hudson leather jacket with her crowded accessories and her 5-inch Louboutin.

“Aigoo!! Oppa~ nag nag nag…. I didn’t have time to change. I’m from a photo shoot… calm yer titties~~”

“I can’t wait to see dad’s reaction”

“No worries, I’m his favourite anyways… he won’t get mad” Chaerin link her arm with Seung Hyun and start to walk to the function. They were standing in the lobby and didn’t realize that someone was watching them not too far from the scene.

They enter and everybody is dressing up to the 9’s. Suddenly she feels underdressed and starts looking around.

“Oh my gahd.. everybody looking good” she whisper to Seung Hyun and he just smirked at her.

“Told ya..”

“You better not leave my side Tabi…”

“Since when do I ever leave your side..” he smile dearly at his sister.

Blood is thicker than water, that’s what the Lee family stands by. The Lee family of three which used to be four is a very close-knit family. They go through everything together. More so after their mother died, they become closer than ever. The death of their mother almost tear them apart as a family when Chaerin, the closest to her mother, took it the hardest. They were like best friends, they do everything together and she never fails to report everything to her mother She was in denial for 2 years and she lost a lot of weight, her mood swings was worst, she lost it for a moment and her family and her best friend were the only ones who stayed by her side during that period. Although she isolated herself from the outside world, they never gave up on her. The day her mother died, part of Chaerin went away with her. She built walls around her making it hard for people to get close to her. but one day, she woke up and reality hit her. Chaerin learn to make peace and starts to accept the fact that her mother is gone but the result of that was she lost lots of her friends and a fail relationship.

Chaerin look at the surrounding to locate her father and she spotted a lean figure from the back dressed smartly in his suit and she smile.

“Dad~” she points their father to Seunghyun and drag him to get closer.

“I can’t wait to see his reaction” he smirk and Chaerin rolls her eyes.

“Daddy~~~~ sorry I’m late~” Chaerin quickly hug her father dearly before he could even say anything. After they parted, Jung Hwan takes a close look at his daughter and frown.

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