The Beautiful Hangover

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Chaerin wakes up with the worst hangover ever. She groans and presses her head. Looking down, she’s still in her leather shorts and sleeveless top. Feeling dirty and sticky she walks groggily towards her bathroom and start prepping her bath tub.

“Wake up!!!!” Seunghyun enters and Chaerin who is waiting half asleep for the bath tub to fill, startled over his loud voice.

“I’m in the bathroom~ go away!!!”

“How are you feeling??” he leans on her closed bathroom door and laugh.

“Death~” she rolls her eyes.

“Who told you to drink that much last night? Hurry up, dad is waiting for you… for LUNCH!” he accentuate lunch as an indication to how long she passed out.

“Whaa? Wha yime ish it ayway?? Yah! Why shin you wahk me yuhp?!” she yell while brushing her teeth.

“I can’t understand shit what you said just now~” Seunghyun frowns.

“I said…. What time is it??? Why didn’t you wake me up just now?”

“I did! Several times! I thought you’re dead, you’re not moving at all…”

“Urghhh…. You’re annoying… Go away~”

“It’s almost 1 by the way my LADY” he chuckles and leave Chaerin to her peace.

‘My lady? Damn it’ totally blank about what happened last night. She’s sure Seunghyun will have an addition to her shameful moments.

Chaerin enjoys her bubble bath just now, feeling a little bit fresh, she puts on something comfortable, shorts and sleeveless. She flip her wet hair and start drying them, then she noticed her hand phone blinking repeatedly inviting her over. She completely forgotten about her phone yesterday, she remembers charging it before she fell asleep yesterday afternoon and it had been there since, untouched.

Just how much had she missed. She unlocks her phone and straight away checks the ‘missed calls’.

7 missed calls, 4 from Bom, 1 from unknown number and 2 from Dara. ‘okay, not much is missed’

She then checks her messages 11 messages. ‘Okay, wow..’

From: Dara

9.25pm: Youngbae is out for men’s night out with his pervert friend! Urghhh! I’m going to kill that Seungri…

10.00pm: I’m planning to go all CSI on him, I’m bringing Mingkki… we’ll see you later? K Bar…

10.34pm: Plan aborted since you’re not responding, I assume you’re busy and Mingkki is bringing me somewhere else to cool off, she’s nagging me right now… saying I’m being obsessive and all… I’m not! I’m not!!! >.<

Chaerin sigh and groan.

To: Dara

1.31pm: I’m at dad’s… forgot my phone.. I hope you didn’t do anything stupid last night -_-“

She scrolls down to the next one.

From: Bommie

10.32pm: You’re fetching me tomorrow right?

11.48pm: Don’t you ignore me…. You promised…

3.03am: Yah! You better be there when I arrived! I just got back from a function, I have a lot to tell you…. so you better be there to pick me up, or I’m going to leave this present from Ambush..

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