The Date

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Chaerin has been staring on her phone for the past 30 minutes.

From: Ass

7.03pm: Fake date happening tomorrow..

Hyperventilating, she’s been sitting up, rolling around, inhaling and exhaling profusely, pacing back and forth around her room.

‘Okay… remember Chae, Bommie said, don’t get too excited.. Be cool.. Be cool..’

To: Ass

7.41pm: No cleaning tomorrow then?

From: Ass

7.42pm: Be ready at 8am, will pick you up..

To: Ass

7.43pm: WHAT??? 8 am? Who goes on a date at 8am? Where are we going?

From: Ass

7.44pm: See you tomorrow, be prepared..

Chaerin swallow the lump in her throat. ‘be prepared? Shit…’

To: Ass

7.48pm: Can I at least have a hint where we going? I want to dress appropriately… you don’t want me to show up overdressed or underdressed right? -_-

Jiyong chuckles seeing the text he received from Chaerin and turn to his side while laying on his bed.

To: Wild Brat

7.50pm: Casual and comfortable.

He remembered his conversation with his hommies this afternoon

“Where do you guys bring your dates?” Jiyong ask the three of them who is occupied with their own lunch.

All of them turn to look at him with questionable look on their faces.

“Random question~” Jiyong justified himself with his poker face. Only Youngbae smirk in return because he knew about his little secret.

“Because my girl love to dance, so I usually bring her to clubs and dance our aces off until we’re tired, grab some late supper and hang out at her or my place.. That’s when we really want to have fun and go crazy and wild” Daesung mumbles while munching his rice.

“That’s your definition of crazy and wild?” Seungri rolls his eyes. “If I were to bring a lady-“

”Nobody asking you~” Jiyong cuts him off and Seungri shoots his glare at him.

“Dara… she loves to cuddle and snuggle, because she rarely have time off, so she just love to slack off in her pad… so we usually hang out together, watch movies the whole day and cook together and end the night with….you know…” he raised his eyebrow.

“God~~~~ borrrriiiiiiinnnnnnggggggg~” Seungri yawn. “Well, for me…”

“Well, sometimes I’ll go do something out of the ordinary with Min… Sometimes, she has dancing gigs overseas and I’ll surprise her and we go totally spontaneous and try out different kinds of foods you know… it’ll be a good memory for us..” Daesung cut Seungri from saying anything further.

“That’s exciting…” Jiyong exchange looks with Youngbae and Daesung while nodding.

“Fuck you guys… I’m still here” He wave around his chopsticks but they pretended to not see or heard anything.

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