The Silent Treatment

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“I’m home~~” Chaerin arrived at her family home and quickly make herself comfortable at the living room.

“Oh? Chaerinnie… you’re not going to work?” Aunty Choi appears at the living room.

“Oh… I’m on leave today” she smiles.

“You want anything to eat?”

“No, thank you aunty, but I’m just going to go upstairs to rest okay?”

“Yeah, sure…..” she monitors Chaerin and noticed her mood is a bit down. Usually she will greet her with her perky voice and hug her but today her vibe is different.

Chaerin climb the stairs feeling weak. She had done a lot of thinking while on her way back. Jiyong’s words stuck in her mind and she’s having mixed feelings. She closes the door behind her and places her bag on her bed. Bending down, she reached for a box underneath her bed and took out a semi-finished white shell necklace and look at it dearly.

One by one her tears roll down her cheeks.  “Why did you have to leave me so soon mom…. Why?”

She climbs on her bed and take the necklace to her chest, hugging it. After having a lot of thought during her ride home, she understands where Jiyong is coming from. He actually slapped some senses to Chaerin. She hates him. No. She hated that he have that kind of impact to her. He’s not her friend, they’re not close but why when he said something it’s affecting her emotion? Her tears rolls down again, she closes her eyes to wash away the longing for her mother right now.

She’s not ready to go to her apartment. She’s not ready to face him, not that she’s still mad but she’s embarrassed at how on point his words are. She wants to avoid the awkwardness. Tomorrow going to be the weekend and Chaerin doesn’t care anymore. She won’t go tomorrow. He can do whatever he wants with the pictures.

She just doesn’t care.


“What’s wrong with this design?! You ask me what’s wrong?? You saw nothing wrong with it?!” Jiyong retorts to one of the designers in their showroom. Youngbae rushes out from his office to see what the commotion is all about.

He can see the poor young lady is looking down the floor while Jiyong is holding a fabric in his hand and another hand on his waist. Everybody else keep their head down low trying to avoid Jiyong’s stare. Nobody dare to make a sound when the mighty GD is in a bad mood.

“Let me ask you something… when is the fashion week?”

“Ne…next month…”

“Then… is this acceptable? Tell me?!” he raised his voice once more and Youngbae quickly move to his side.

He pats his shoulder “I’ll handle things here…”

Jiyong stare deeply into Youngbae’s eyes before looking at the designer again and throw the fabric on the table.

He storm to his office and everybody pretend to be busy with their work. He slump in his couch and pressed his forehead. He’s been stressing about the thing that had happened just now. He hates to admit it, but he has a hard time to focus because of Chaerin.  Her empty expression is haunting his mind and he can’t seem to get it off. For the umpteenth time he look at his phone and staring at her number, contemplating to text and call her but the moment he wants to press the green button, his pride messes with his mind.

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