The Thirst Is Real

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“I don’t like this Ji…”

“Don’t you trust me?”

“Why do I need to be blindfolded? I don’t like surprises..”

This time she meant it. She really doesn’t like surprises and being in this position where her sense is limited, resulted to a restless Chaerin.

They arrived at the parking lot of their apartment 10 minutes ago and after much resistance, Jiyong manage to convince her to blindfold.

“My fake lashes are falling off, urghhhh…”

“I’ll buy you 100 new ones…”

“I’m going to look like an idiot after opening this blindfold… and you can’t complain, because it’s your fault”

She links with his arm tightly and walk carefully though she knows they are going to their apartment.

One thing she hates the most.

Losing control of a situation.

“Chae, carefull…”

They finally enter. Before she can reach anything with her free hand, Jiyong grab both of her hands and lead her slowly.

“Ji, stop playing… open my eyes and we can play together~” she say seductively which only make him chuckles.

“Are you seducing me?” he matches her tone by whispering to her lips, making her quiver.

“Umm.. maybe?” she tried to reach for his face but he quickly dodge.

Jiyong shakes his head and chuckles over seeing his girl getting restless by the moment

“Sit here… okay, you can open your eyes…”

Chaerin was reaching to the knot behind her back but stopped when she heard a loud thud and a curse from Jiyong.

“You okay there?” she quickly turn her head at the sound.

“Yeah… yeah… wait….” Jiyong rubs his ankle while jumping on one foot after accidentally bump it on his stool. After soothing his ankle, he moves towards her.

She knows they are in the dining area because she heard the familiar sound of chair being pulled when Jiyong takes place beside her.

“Okay, open your eyes…”

Chaerin open her eyes slowly anticipating something. Her heart is pounding.

“Could it be………?”

Even after undoing the blindfold, she still has her eyes closed.

“Chae open your eyes…” Jiyong smile watching her.

Chaerin open her eyes slowly. The dining table is filled with foods. There is spaghetti, salad, hot wings and a bottle of wine.

“Surprise” Jiyong smiles.

“Ji… What is all these?”


“I know… but… for what?” she still have her eyes fixed on the dining table.

“Umm.. eat? Why? You don’t like it?”

“Oh.. no.. just I thought.. you were..” “proposing” the word stuck from getting out of her mouth.

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