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hi, quick side note sorry I know A/N's are annoying. This is my first time publishing something I have millions of random chapters from fanfics I was going to write but gave up. Now at 18 having finished an English literature a level and on a gap year, I figured it's time I actually wrote one. And on the off chance, anyone is reading this which I doubt please let me know what you would like to see in this story. thanks:) 

Olivia sat alone on the train, she'd said goodbye to her family already but her mother wasn't well enough to take the trip meaning she'd taken the floo network to the nearest magical building and walked on her own to kings cross station. She was very nervous to be attending Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Olivia would be going into her fourth year. Yet up until now, she'd never even laid eyes on the prestigious school, instead, she had spent the previous three years learning at home, being taught by her Mother and Father, Catherine and Richard Pugh. Despite trying everything her Mothers condition had been worsening and much to Olivia's protests the Pugh's had decided it would be better if she attended Hogwarts and got a proper education. All she wanted to do was to stay at home and help care for her Mum, her step-dad, despite being the loveliest man, was a bit of an idiot, he could hardly boil a pan of water. She also had some more selfish reasons for wanting to stay at home, Olivia albeit was quite an awkward young lady. She could hardly speak to anybody she wasn't directly related too. Her parents would constantly tease her about this, despite being a sweet girl she did have quite a big gob on her, and once you got to know her she struggled to keep it close.

She sat alone in her train carriage scanning the pupils on platform 9 and 3/4 saying their last goodbyes to their family and heaving luggage onto the train. She felt a pang in her chest at how upset some of the younger students were and how their parents were hugging them tightly, she couldn't help but feel a little bit jealous.
Much to her surprise she was shocked out of her self pitying when she saw a face she knew. Starring right back at her was a young girl with brown busy hair and a just as confused look as hers. She had made direct eye contact with her next-door neighbour, Hermione Granger. As far as Olivia knew Hermione attended some fancy boarding school up north for the academically gifted. How on earth was her neighbour a witch and her and her family had never even noticed. There was no way the whole family of Grangers where, why Mr Granger had been her dentist for as long as she could remember. Her mind was moving a mile a minute when Hermione came charging into the carriage swooping Olivia into a hug.

"Liv what the hell, you're a witch? But you've not been at Hogwarts? You stay at home? What's going on?" The younger girl questioned releasing Olivia from her rather tight grip, her eyes alive with curiosity.

The two girls use to be awfully close when they were younger, both being only child's. They use to spend hours playing in the fields near their houses. However, over the last few years, they'd started to drift apart. Olivia was always worried she was going to somehow let the wizarding world slip and then last year Hermione had just vanished to some mysterious boarding school. Olivia hadn't bothered to knock on her door in the summer.

Olivia filled her in, and they sat chatting happily for hours munching on some fudge flies Hermione had in her trunk. Olivia couldn't believe that Hermione was actually friends with the Harry Potter and the rumours she had heard last year about the Philosopher's Stone were in fact true. Hermione grumbled on about how Harry and, Ron Weasley, who she complained about a fair bit more than the famous wizard, had missed the train and left her out of whatever they were scheming.

After a while the pair ran out of things to talk about, awkwardly Hermione asked how much the other girl knew about house-elves and explained that Harry Potter had a visit from one called Dobby claiming he had heard he was such a great wizard but shouldn't return to Hogwarts. Olivia doubted that the incredibly bright witch in front of her actually needed any new information and the name Dobby rang a bell that she couldn't quite place, but Olivia happily answered her questions relieving the slight air of tension that had grown in the uncomfortable silence.

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