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Heyyy there Matt Kezia's uni friend. Are you reading this?

Olivia dragged herself out of bed the next morning changing quietly, as an only child living with three other people was a rather big change. She got ready for the day and followed the girls downstairs they were talking about their timetables wondering what classes they were going to have today. The thought of classes made Olivia's tummy bubble, she had always thought of herself as intelligent but having only been taught by her parents she was scared she would be behind and unable to keep up. She tried to push this to the back of her mind as she slipped in next to one of the twins with a polite smile and piled bacon onto her plate.

It was clear Hermione was still angry with the two younger boys as she sat at the other end of the table with a stout boy named Neville Longbottom who he hadn't got chance to speak to yet. She noticed the red envelope drop onto the table and sunk away in fear realising it to be a Howler. The seething letter exploded screaming at poor Ron to most people's amusement, but Olivia felt bad for him and sent him a smile she hopes seemed sympathetic and not leering. After a while the tables went back to their normal chatter, the people around them were talking about their worst experience with Howlers. Deciding to put herself out there as this was the only way she'd make friends she shared hers. Olivia told the story of the time she had been at Malfoy Manor, mentioning she'd been their earned her a few puzzled and wary looks but she continued on hoping the end would show she didn't share the same values. Lucius Malfoy had made a nasty comment about her father as despite being a pure-blood wizard he is quite high up in the muggle government and used magic to help them out whenever possible. Olivia who explained she'd gotten quite fed up with Malfoy Senior and Draco who continued to talk about Harry which made the table laugh when she mentioned this had planted a colour bomb in the middle of his soup so when they started their appetisers he got covered in pink dust that stained him for weeks. Seeing Lucius Malfoy with pink hair had been well worth the howler she received from her Gran threatening to remove her from the family's inheritance.

Much to Olivia's joy, the people around her loved her story laughing and saying how they'd pay anything to see Lucius covered in pink dust. Olivia let out a shaky breath pleased she didn't embarrass herself in the brief time she'd been the centre of attention. The twin next to her seemed to notice and looked at her as if he couldn't quite figure her out but shot her a reassuring smile as he seemed to sense her unease. After Olivia's story the people around, her were starting to get used to her, she didn't speak much for the rest of breakfast but laughed at the others jokes and reacted to what was going on. The Fourth year Gryffindors had double Herbology first with the Hufflepuffs, which they moaned about, Olivia followed behind the group closely walking next to Angelina, just too put an end to the awkward silence Oliva asked about the twins, curious as to which was which and if there was a trick to telling them apart. Unfortunately, this was the wrong thing to ask, Angelina, let out a laugh and spoke loudly to the group.

"Liv wants to know how to tell the Weasleys apart," she said while smiling at Olivia who was trying to hide her embarrassment about being the centre of attention yet again.

"I'm afraid my dear newbie," one of the twins said stepping back to be in line with her, "it's almost impossible to tell us apart."

"Even our Mum gets it wrong", the other one chimed in.

"Tell you what, when you figure it out that's when you're officially a part of our little group," he said beaming at his little offer.

"No fair" Lee said, "I still get it wrong and I'm your best bloody friend."

Everyone laughed and walked into Greenhouse three which Olivia was taken aback by the others laughed at her as they saw her pause slightly and look around with a smile taking everything in. Once she noticed the eyes on her a small blush rose to her cheeks and she quickly sat herself across from the twins and a friendly-looking Hufflepuff who she seemed recognised.

Olivia listened to Professor Sprout and after being shown what to do began working quietly, the boy next to her broke the silence first.

"I'm sorry if this sounds really bizarre but do I know you?" The Dark-haired boy asked with a slight chuckle.

"Diggory's making a move" she heard Jordan snicker to the other Gryffindor's who looked up curiously and smiled at the pair a few wiggling their eyebrows.

"I was thinking the same thing" I replied with a laugh ignoring Lee and stretching out my hand to shake the boys, "I'm Oliva Pugh"

"Cedric Diggory" he replied shaking her hand and showing his perfect teeth.

Olivia felt a blush rising too her cheeks making her blush even harder which did not go unnoticed by the twin directly opposite her. That's when it hit her, Diggory. She was sure when she was younger, they had both attended some party but once they became considered blood traitors, they never saw each other again. Deciding she didn't want lots of people to know about certain members of her family's views and pasts she didn't mention her epiphany, instead made polite small talk. Throughout the lesson, she stole glances at the twins in front of her trying to tell them apart. They were rather handsome, however, the one directly in front of her had more freckles and his grin seemed to be more lopsided. He also seemed to be a little bit quieter, however, he could just be trying to do his work Olivia mused. As she was thinking about this attempting to note the more subtle differences the boy looked up making eye contact causing her to blush and look away immediately embarrassed that she had been caught staring.

The rest of the day went off without a hitch the divination lesson that was next almost sent Olivia to sleep but for some reason, she had a hidden talent for divination. Secretly the girl thought it was because of all the horoscopes she used to read in muggle magazines as a kid. Most of the time she just repeated one of the characteristics of the star sign she guessed the person was in and Professor Trelawney would sigh happily and clap her hands. She sat on a small table with Katie and they bonded over how loony they thought their professor was. Olivia found it easier to talk to people in small groups so decided that class times was when she was going to have to try and make friends as it was less intimidating. However, she was rather proud of herself, she told the entire group a story at breakfast and had made a few comments here and there, slowly she was becoming more comfortable around what she hoped would become her new friends. She spent the majority of the rest of the day with Hermione doing the homework that had already been set and listening to her friend grumble on about her two best friends. Throughout the day though it seemed she repeatedly made eye contact with that particular twin.  

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