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The party was one for the books, more people than Olivia could even name turned up, and they had some absolute bangers on the playlist. The drinks of fire whiskey gave the girl the courage to add some of her muggle music. She got a funny feeling in her stomach when she saw George dancing happily to some of her song suggestions, he bounced over making her giggle and handing her a new drink. She looked at it and then up at him. 

"You need to learn to trust me." He spoke into her ear, bending down to be heard over the loud music, the sensation of his breath on her skin sent a shiver down her spine and despite her better judgement she took a sip. Luckily, it was only fire whiskey.

"Anyone would think you're trying to get me drunk Weasley," the girl smirked after their third drink together. Her lack of previous experience with alcohol was becoming more and more obvious as she started to do things that would have made sober Olivia want to crawl in a ball and die. She danced happily with almost everyone there making lots of friends and without her social anxiety to hold her back introduced herself to the people there she didn't know.

She jumped in a circle to some weird sisters with Alicia, Katie and Angelina glad she had managed to make some amazing friends.

"I love you guys" she shouted "Thanks for like letting me in" she laughed. The girls pulled her into a hug and told her how they couldn't picture themselves without her anymore causing the girl's heart to melt a little bit, Fred came over and pulled Angelina away making everyone wolf whistle in their direction.

The girl went to find Hermione seeing as she was feeling all emotional, she might as well embarrass herself in front of her oldest friend. She grabbed the girl from behind pulling her into a bear hug making the poor girl jump and the people surrounding them laugh.

"What's got you all emotional Livy?" She asked with a grin.

"Thank you," Olivia replied "I know you've probably figured it out. Thank you for not telling anybody"

"It's not my secret to tell, just know it wouldn't change the way any of us feel about you." She said with a fond smile before pulling away from the hug and following Harry and Ron out of the common room.

A few hours had passed and Olivia was starting to feel like she didn't have full control of her thoughts, she sat down on the sofa opposite the fire and surveyed the dying party, she was pretty sure she'd seen Fred and Angelina kissing and head out for a little more privacy something she'd have to ask her about later. She looked around for her other friends, Cedric gave her a wave but turned back around it looked like he was giving his best charm to a younger Ravenclaw girl. Lee was also talking to a Ravenclaw, she recognised her as the blonde who had waved at him in the great hall, Liv noticed the lack of personal space between the two and let out a little giggle.

Her eyes were starting to droop shut with the warmth of the fire and the fire whiskey.

"Good first party?" her favourite Weasley asked sitting down next to her a little closer than he normally would have.

"I like it here" the girl murmured her speech slurred from how much butterbeer and fire whiskey she'd consumed.

"I'm quite impressed by how much you've drank seeing it's your first time." He laughed passing her a glass of water. "Drink this it will help in the morning, trust me."

"You keep saying that."


"Trust you, and I do you know. I probably shouldn't but I do."

George felt a warm feeling grow inside of his stomach. "Nah, you can trust me dear" he replied feeling the effects of this evenings partying on himself.

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