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Bursting through the door they saw Mrs Weasley crying by the fire being comforted Professor McGonagall and her husband.

"Umm" Harry began not really knowing where to begin but he was quickly cut off by Mrs Weasley who squealed

"Ginny" and jumped from her chair by the fireside pulling her into a bone-crushing hug.

Harry launched into an explanation of this evenings events Olivia chiming in when she could.

"Well you see Sir; I took the diary of Ginny because I thought it would stop if he tried it with me. Well clearly I was wrong, and it didn't." Liv said her voice growing quieter and quieter as her headmaster asked how Tom Riddle had managed to get both of us down there. 

"Olivia" he replied in a soft voice, "I must say I am rather disappointed you discovered a dark item and didn't bring it to me or another teacher." His tone cool.

"I'm sorry," she replied suddenly very interested in her shoes.

"I also get the feeling that you aren't telling me everything. Olivia you are amongst friends, please do not keep any secrets from me. Whilst what happened tonight is terrible, I have a feeling that for you this started a long time ago." He looked at her over his half-moon glasses, his blue eyes staring into her soul.

As much as she tried not too, she just couldn't shut her mouth and the words came pouring out.

"When my mum died, I had a meeting with he who must not be named- "

"Olivia, you are a very intelligent lady, use his name please." Dumbledore interrupted. It was weird for her not to use his name but since meeting Tom she was starting to see why people are scared of the name. With a shake of her head, she continued,

"I tried to say no, I promise" she stuttered out tears brimming in her eyes. "I held out for as long as I could, but he's just so mean."

"What did he do to you?" McGonagall asked taking her hand.

"Crucio" Liv muttered ashamed she'd given in to it. "I tried," she repeated again, "I got through three casts I think but I'm weak." She croaked. "I'm so sorry, it's all my fault."

"Miss Pugh, are you telling me you stood up to Voldemort's Crucio curse?" Liv nodded her head at McGonagall. "Oh my, you're made of stronger stuff than I am." She replied maternally, placing an arm around her shoulders.

With a deep breath, Olivia carried on, "I told him I'd do it, I'd find a diary and give it to Harry." She turned to face him with a guilty look, but he shook his head at her with a smile telling her to not worry about it. "I never looked for it," she said in a whisper, "I just ignored it, if I had found it straight away then Ginny wouldn't have. If I just did what I told you wouldn't have gotten mixed up in this Gin. I'm so so sorry." She faced her, tears streaming down her face her voice breaking.

Ginny hugged her but Livs arms didn't move from her side, "Its all my fault you got caught up in this." She choked out in a sob, Gin pulled away but before she could say anything she was moved to the side and Olivia was wrapped into the strong warm arms of Mrs Weasley.

"Oh, darling don't blame yourself." She told her in her ear, "you were manipulated by the darkest wizard of all time. You're a child, you both are, this is not your fault." She said tears now running down both of their faces. With a trembling breathe Olivia pulled away and gave the woman a feeble nod.

"Molly, Arthur, why don't you take Olivia, Ron and Ginny down to the Great Hall I think a feast is in order and you two are more than welcome to stay," Dumbledore told them sending a reassuring look the young girls way.

Olivia was guided out of the office by Ron, "well you've made an impression on the in-laws." He said quietly causing her to laugh something that she didn't think she'd ever get to do again.

"I love you, Weasley." She smiled pulling him in a one-armed hug and attempting to ruffle his hair, but he was quite a bit taller than her.

"I love you too psycho" he replied with a cheeky smirk pulling off his jumper and chucking it at the girl who was still just in her sports bra from running about the chamber.

"That's my girl, Ronald." A voice from behind them shouted causing the whole group to whip their heads around, at the end of the corridor George Weasley was running towards them at full speed.

"George" the girl squealed before setting off at a run too him. They each other halfway and Olivia was lifted from the ground his arms wrapped around her warmth rushing back into her body.

"I was so worried," he told her, "I thought I'd lost you." He said putting her back down on the ground a tear running from his eye.

"Oh Georgie, you're never getting rid of me" she replied reaching up to wipe the tear gently with her hand. His lips came crashing down on to hers and she was pulled into a type of kiss they'd never shared before. It was gentle but full of strong emotion as if this was the last kiss they'd ever share, it said what up until this point they hadn't been able to say.

"Olivia, I am so in love with you." He told her a lopsided grin on his face as he pulled away from her.

"I love you too idiot" She replied her eyes shinning the biggest smile he'd ever seen her wear. She buried her head into his chest, she could have stayed there forever until a very similar voice spoke.

"I love you as well Liv."

She pulled away smiling pulled the other twin into a hug. "Of course, I love you, Freddie, don't be getting all jealous on me now." She giggled.

"Come on lovebirds I'm starving," Ron shouted to the three of them. They caught up with the others and Liv pretended not to hear Mrs Weasley telling Fred off,

"You ruined their moment Fred." She slapped his arm, but he rolled his eyes.

"I'm just a part of it as they are mother." He said jokingly.

"Definitely aren't" George quipped back.

For the first time since her Mother died Olivia genuinely felt happy, no nagging feeling just pure warmth and happiness. She loved George Weasley and he loved her.


WTF do I like stop now???

Do you guys want me to just leave it or like keepgoing with the prisoner of Azkaba

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