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A/N     -      This chapters longgg sorry but I haven't updated for a while so I hope this makes up for it. Also, I should be back to daily chapters now!! Alsooo sorry to be a beg but if you guys could vote and comment I'd really appreciate it:) 

While Hogwarts was full of magic there was a different type of magic at Christmas, the winter sunlight peeked through the slit in the curtains causing George to wake in the early hours of the morning, it was Christmas day, but it was also 8 in the morning on a holiday and a Sunday no less. He lay in bed trying to go back to sleep but eventually giving in knowing he was too stressed to do any of the sorts. All he could think about was Olivia, he liked the girl so much but after a few jokes from Fred he'd realised he missed out on one vital thing, he never actually asked her to be his Girlfriend. He'd also heard her saying something to Angelina about not wanting labels a few months ago, just thinking about that conversation made him a bit angry, the fact that there could have been other boys before him was not something he enjoyed to think about.

What if he asked and she said no, what if she assumed they were dating and it was super awkward, what if he'd left it too late, what if she thought it was just casual. It was going to be so awkward. What if she only wanted casual? What makes a casual relationship? It probably was casual, he hadn't told him Mum or anything, she didn't really know anything about her he assumed Fred had told her who she was as he never introduced her. He'd just casually mention she'd been with them when trying to get out of trouble because of a prank or that she helped him study or something. God, there was the word again, casual. Did he want casual? No, of course not, he just wanted Olivia which meant that he would take whatever he could get.

"Stop thinking so loud." Fred groaned tossing in his bed.

"Shut up Freddie" he replied still spiralling in thought. Fred let out a groan and with a flick of his wand the curtains sealed themselves shut, and he rolled back into his pillow sinking further back into his bed.

Deciding that he was just going to get himself wound up if he stayed in bed he sat up and swung his legs over the side of his bed. Normally he hated how he left everything to the last minute but wrapping the Christmas presents he found was a welcome distraction. However, he was starting to spin out about his choice of gift for Olivia, he had got her a small stuffed Niffler toy, he wasn't sure if she'd remember but in their first Care of Magical Creatures lesson they worked with Nifflers and she had that argument with Pucey. That was the first time that she'd shown her true colours, the first time she'd been comfortable to be her feisty self. Thinking back on it now it was the first time he'd truly noticed her and not just for her beauty everyone was saying how hot she was on the first day but really noticed her. God how cringey did he sound there was no way he could say all that to her, he was going to look ridiculous giving her a bloody stuffed animal.

Olivia got awoken by a very over-excited Ginny Weasley, Ginny and Hermione had slept in the fourth year dorm room last night and had fallen asleep talking all about their favourite Christmas memories, both girls could tell that secretly Ginny was a little bit upset to not be spending Christmas with her Mum for the first-ever time along with all the diary trauma which although they hadn't spoken about it Liv sensed it was getting better.

"Wake up, wake up, wake up." Ginny squealed jumping on Livs bed, Liv groaned and then let out a laugh getting a sudden glimpse into her future with little kids excitedly waking her up on Christmas morning.

"Come here Gin." The three girls sat on Olivia's bed grabbing their presents as they did so,

"Wait, no, let's open them all downstairs with the others," Hermione said before Ginny ripped into hers.

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