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A/N - This chapter has smut!!! If that makes you uncomfortable skip to the next chapter you won't miss much!!!

Also always remember consent is key, don't be silly wrap your willy, and pee after!! You don't want UTIs. Apparently the suck but I repel boys so I wouldn't know.

Liv managed to spend the entire rest of the day with George, they spent hours in their favourite spot the astronomy tour wrapped up in lots of layers as Olivia helped her boyfriend study, kissing him every time he got an answer right. They'd have stayed there for longer but Professor Sinistra came up with a class and did not look too happy to catch the two in a kiss. They disappeared before she had time to give them a punishment. That is how the pair found themselves lounging in the common room as everyone around them did their work not lucky enough to have had three free periods and a girlfriend to motivate them. The two were relaxing the Liv laid on Georges lap with him playing with her hair as they listened to the silly bickering of Ron and Hermione. 

"3 Galleons they get married," Liv murmured her eyes heavy with how relaxed she was feeling.

"3 Galleons she has to ask." He laughed in reply leaning down to kiss her on the forehead, the smell of fireworks and fudge filling her mind.

"Move up" a pretty grumpy Ron told her trying to sit down where she was laid. She swung her legs round sitting next to George sad she didn't get to be pampered by him anymore. Hermione stood up not done with the argument, facing Ron and carrying on her rant. Georges arms wrapped behind Livs back and waist, he hoisted her onto his lap making her giggle.

"Sit down Hermione, please." He said winking at Ron who looked furious. Liv snuggled herself into his chest cuddling up to him as he started to talk into her ear all about his plans for the future.

Liv melted into a complete state of happiness curled up into her boyfriend's chest, hearing him talk so passionately about his goals was kind of hot. She tried to focus on what he was saying but instead she couldn't help but notice how solid his stomach was and just how big his arms around her really were.

"and there will be the love potions in the back so that people who are trying to be discreet won't be as noticeable. And we'll live in a flat above the shop, I've never not been in a room without Fred but I guess I'll never get to experience not sharing a room with someone." 

Livs heart stopped, what did he mean, was she a part of his future, the boy was still rattling on not even realising what he'd just said but Olivia's head was spinning. She knew he had his whole future planned out but she never realised that she was a part of it.

Cutting him off she grabbed his face and pulled him down to her kissing him gently and adjusting herself on his lap. The kiss lasted for a few seconds until she heard someone shout.

"Really you two there are other people around."

Liv giggled and pulled away cuddling back into Georges chest rolling her eyes at the group that stopped studying to look at them. A small smile stayed painted on Olivias lips as she thought about her boyfriend and how she could see herself living in a flat with him even with his brother. He thought process was interrupted however as she noticed that something was growing under where she sat, she could feel something poking into her bum, looking up at George she saw he had a rather awkward look on his face. "What, you're a good kisser" He whispered into her ear making her let out a girlish giggle a jolt of electricity running through her body when he placed a kiss on her neck. 

She pushed herself up from his lap quickly grazing what was pushing against her whilst looking up at him innocently. He was about to ask what she was doing but the look she gave him paralyzed him, he turned to watch her walking up the boys staircase his eyes drawn to her bum swaying as she walked, god she was fit. Gaining control of himself again he quickly stood up and followed after her.

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