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Running through the halls of Hogwarts in a dressing robe carrying an unconscious girl he barely knew wasn't how he saw his evening going when he'd gone down to the common room to try find his favourite book. He didn't want to get involved; he just wanted a nice peaceful drama free life but he was never going to get that. Especially when the girl in his arms attempted to battle five people at once and obviously didn't win, the way that Flint was looking at her on the floor he couldn't turn a blind eye. The boy was nasty, and he didn't want to find out just how nasty. His footsteps reverberating around the cold stones brought his focus back to Olivia and what he was going to do now. He couldn't take her to the hospital wing Pomfrey would ask too many questions and she'd get in trouble. He couldn't leave her in the Slytherin common room and if they stayed in the hallway, they'd both be hypothermic in the morning. That settled it he had to find a way to get her into the Gryffindor Common Room, he ran up the stairs from the Great Hall getting more concerned that the girl still wasn't stirring. She'd been out cold for a little while now, he also had no idea where the Gryffindor common room was just that they normally came from this direction in the morning. He kept on running until he came to the start of a tower, he had heard people call it the Gryffindor tower so used his common sense and started to climb the stairs deciding he wasn't going to work out in the morning, carrying a person throughout the school definitely counts as arm day. Reaching the end of the stairways he saw a long hallway and turned to walk down but as he did so something caught the corner of his eye, a portrait of a rather large lady gossiping away and pointing at them.

"She left in such a foul mood." He heard the lady say making him realise this must be the portrait hole. Not having the slightest clue as to what the password could be he started banging on the wall trying to get the attention of the Gryffindor's behind it and earning many angry glances from the surrounding portraits who were trying to sleep. But to no avail, eventually, with a rather swollen fist he slumped to the floor Olivia still cradled in his arms, he tried to wake her but no matter how much he shook her she didn't stir. They sat like this for ten minutes or so before he heard footsteps approaching him and rather rapidly. Wrapping Olivia in his robe and pulling her close he tried to stop her shivers and pulled his wand out ready to protect them from the angry Slytherins he was bound to face.

Instead of being faced with some angry Slytherins, he was face to face with some Gryffindors who looked even angrier than he could have pictured his housemates. The boys in front of him were furious particularly one of the infamous Weasley twins. Olivia was scooped out of his arms and before he had a chance to speak a wand was at his throat.

"What did you do to her?" the redhead in front of him growled.

"N-n-nothing" he stammered back rather scared. 

"We need to get her inside she's freezing a boy said from behind them, the boy turned out to be Harry Potter and having spoken to him a few times he calmed down especially with the reassuring look he gave him.

"Come in Higgs," Hermione Granger said with a smile placing a hand on his shoulder and giving it a quick squeeze. They'd spent a lot of time in the library together and you could probably call them good acquaintances but not friends. They placed Olivia in front of the fire wrapping her in a blanket and leaning her against the side of a chair her head lulling to the side. Hermione was fussing over her, muttering spells and checking the whites of her eyes.

"Here," Hermione said glancing up and catching his eyes chucking him a blanket as he shivered. He wrapped himself up in it feeling more and more uncomfortable being sat in the Gryffindor common room with a Weasley twin that looked like he was ready to kill.

"What happened?" The other twin asked his tone a lot less threatening.

Terence launched into his explanation of how she appeared in the common room tried to take on all of Flint's lot and how she was doing quite well until he used wordless magic and she couldn't block it. He told them all about how they'd started to corner on her so he intervened, did the best he could but he couldn't hold them off so she just grabbed her and ran and now how they ended up here.

You could practically see the tension melt from the room now that they knew he hadn't hurt her.

The angry twin slipped away for a moment and came back with mugs of tea and hot chocolate passing one to Terence with a grateful smile.

Olivia stirred letting out a groan, "oh thank god" Hermione breathed turning back to face her, "I'm sorry about this Liv but it'll help" and before anyone had time to even process what she had said a resounding slap echoed through the room. Hermione Granger had just smacked the girl around the face.

"That's kinda-" Lee Jordan Started to say but was cut off by a pillow hitting him in the face.

"Jesus Christ Hermione" Olivia yelled placing a hand on her cheek. But the bushy-haired girl enveloped her in a tight hug, "You scared us for a second there" she mumbled into her hair.

"What's going on?" Olivia asked looking around the empty common room aside from her friends and Terence Higgs who were all staring at her like she had something foul sticking out of her ear. "How did I get here?"

They gave her the abridged version of what Terence had told them all. "Well shit, thanks, Higgs." Liv replied.

"Call me Terry," He said with a grin, "I think after tonight we're on a first-name basis." The girl laughed at him and sent him a fond smile. She pushed herself to stand and in an instant, George was behind her.

"Never disappear for hours again." He told her wrapping his arms around her waist and burying his head into her curly locks breathing in her smell of vanilla and freshly washed laundry.

"Can't make any promises" she pulled away to tell him winking as she did so before pulling him back into a hug her head on his chest finally feeling warm again.

"Well, I think it's bedtime for us all," Ron announced already on his way up the stairs. "Glad you're okay and all Liv" he added in an afterthought making her chuckle.

"He's right," Fred said. Terry started to get up ready to leave.

"Wait," Liv said reaching for his arm. "Stay here, it's too cold and late for you to go back you'll get caught and if Flints still up he won't be very happy." The others nodded "Sleep on the sofa." George said with a wave of his wand turning it into a pull out bed. Knowing they were right Terry walked back over to it and pulled off the blanket.

"Night" Liv started to say going to kiss George goodnight.

"Nope, you're coming with me." He said with a smirk pulling her after him and into the boys dorms snuggling into her in his bed ignoring the giggles from the other two boys and there murmurs about silencing charms Olivia fell asleep George soon followed suit.

A/N      guys do you want smut??? Like would it make you uncomfortable or should i do a few spicy chapters??? also i got 100 votes today (30/10/20) thank you guys so much i love you all!!!

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