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Olivias Monday started the same as every other, Angelina dragged her out of bed and she barely spoke to anyone at breakfast. Her friends were used to this though, they all knew that Olivia was not a morning person. She didn't come alive until a rather large black owl dropped off a nasty looking letter in front of her. After examining the envelope, she realised that it was in fact not a howler, however, the red envelope and writing clearly was from her Grandmother, and she was not happy. Olivia should have known it wouldn't have been a howler, her Gran would never want to ruin their perfect family image by embarrassing them both and parading their issues around for everyone in the Great Hall to hear. 

She opened the letter slowly still slightly fearful it would explode instead stood two pages of her Grans neat writing, scanning over it quickly she realised what she had been dreading had come. She was finally going to have to deal with the consequences for her actions over the last two months at Hogwarts.

Hello Olivia,

I must confess I have been waiting for you too write to me and inform me of your housing at your new school, yet I see it has been to no avail. Instead, I have had to hear from others outside of our family, such as Dolohov. I have been informed of your encounter and we will be discussing that later. I did hope that you would be a member of the great Slytherin house such as your Father, myself and many generations before me, yet I have been informed you are a Gryffindor. Personally, I have always found them to be a rather insufferable group. My disappointment was immense at hearing this news, I did think that unlike your Mother I had gotten a second chance in raising you, I had thought I had raised you right. Evidently, I was wrong. Once again, shame has been brought to the noble name of Rockwood.

I have unfortunately received multiple letters from the likes of Severus Snape, The Puceys, and Dolohov informing me of your recent behaviour. Why Olivia are you attempting to destroy the noble name I have given you. Yet this is not the case, I understand that you are using your stepfathers' name. This is taking it too far; I may have indulged your little rebellions when you were younger, but you are now in public destroying the noble connotations of your family. How dare you introduce yourself as 'Pugh'.

I will be expecting an apology within a week. I have spoken to your Mother and Richard; it is clear despite what they're saying they are beyond disappointed. Along with all of this nonsense I've heard of your new alliances within your 'house'. Associating with the likes of blood traitors and muggle-borns alike, I fear your blood may become stale. Your new behaviour is unacceptable, consider this your formal warning if you'd like to attend our family Christmas celebrations. I expect a reply within a week and unless I receive a full apology from you and hear you're changing your ways if you want to remain a member of this noble family.

Yours Sincerely,


The blood dropped from Olivia's face, she knew it was coming but she hadn't quite been prepared for how much it would upset her.

"Liv?" Angelina asked noticing how pale the girl near her had become, "Are you alright?"

"Yeah, yeah of course." She replied trying to shake off her thoughts and plaster a fake smile on her face. She could see she wasn't convincing her friends so decided she better give a brief explanation so they didn't pry.

"My Grans just a bit mad, she's kinda got some messed up values you see. She, um ,well she called me a stale blood." The girl muttered not making eye contact.

"Staleblood?" Lee questioned.

"It's stupid means your pureblood status has gone stale," George commented discreetly moving closer to her and placing a comforting hand on her knee. "I'm as stale as they come." He continued squeezing her knee and shooting her a winning smile and a cheeky wink.

Olivia tried to go about her day, but her mind was weighed down with thoughts of her Grandmothers threat. Would her Gran really kick her out from the family? What would she do if her Mother passed what would happen to her then? She tried to be positive she smiled with her friends and took notes in her lessons, but they could all tell that something wasn't quite right with the girl.

The twins tried to make her laugh getting short chuckles and her dorm mates gave her lots of random hugs something she enjoyed but couldn't help feeling the slightest bit uncomfortable with. It felt like she was betraying all of her family accepting her new friends' kindness. 

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