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"You need to actually eat something Liv," Wood told her as she pushed the bacon around her plate. "You'll need your strength." 

She nodded and tried to make herself eat some food, she knew it was right, if she wanted to be able to perform her best in the Slytherin quidditch match she would need her strength.

"Good Luck today Pugh," Cedric Diggory shot his winning smile at her as he exited the Great Hall adorned in a red jumper showing his support.

"Come on Liv," Fred said leading her to the quidditch pitch, "don't stress." The fear in her stomach didn't leave until she was in the air when it was suddenly replaced with determination. 

Gryffindor was going to win this match.

She soared towards the goal, scoring yet another ten points for her team. She heard a cheer behind her, but it was quickly dismissed from her mind as Flint came flying towards her with what looked alarmingly like a beaters back.

"I heard great things about you, shame they were wrong." He said in a slimy voice to the chaser.

"Really, I didn't know you existed till a few weeks ago Flint."

"The Flints are part of the sacred 28." He growled.

"Yeah, I've been a part of that, bit dumb if you ask me."

Their conversation was cut short as a bludger whizzed past her ear. She turned around to look at the twins, "George, do your job mate." She shouted a twinkle in her eye as she flew away towards the rest of her teammates however, they weren't paying her much attention.

A rouge bludger was attempting to pummel Harry, his panic was obvious as he clung on to his broom that was also attempting to buck him off.

"Catch him," Wood ordered at the twins being distracted from the game as Flint scored some repetitive goals. Olivia had an epiphany; before she had been scared that she didn't know how to play correctly but if there is one thing that she did know about quidditch. It was how to play with Slytherins and they played dirty.

She flew up to Harry attempting to grab a hold of him and pull him onto her broom whilst the twins circled below them. Grabbing Harry's sweaty hand, she felt the bludger crash into the end of her broom sending a crack up it. The power of the crack made her let go of the boy. Gripping onto the bristles of his Nimbus 2000 he somehow managed to pull himself back on, but he was facing the other way. Olivia changed her strategy if she couldn't get Harry to safety then she needs to stop the bludger. 

She'd spent many an hour knocking apples with the end of her broom as her Dad had thrown them at her, this was possibly the only happy memory she shared with her birth Father. She hated the man but at least it was going to come in handy.

Her knuckles turned white as she gripped the end of her broom leaning forwards focusing her gaze on the angry ball and trying to track the movements it made. Jerking to the left and flying upwards she managed to knock the ball pushing it away in the other direction her broom starting to splinter but she didn't focus on this too preoccupied with Harry falling off.

She could hear the bludger whizzing back around grabbing her attention she whipped back around to face the buzzing black ball steering away from it to get some speed as she shot back towards it hitting the ball straight on. This was the moment Olivia noticed the crack in her beloved broom, it felt like it was about to split into two she could hear the continuous splintering it was disintegrating in between her legs.

Not noticing the bludger making its way back towards her she was suddenly knocked from her broom as the stadium erupted into cheers as Harry managed to grab the snitch. A girly scream escaped her lips as she began to fall to the floor her robes billowing behind her. Her fingers slipped off the end of the broom panic filling every fibre of her being. She could see a flash of red stream past her and felt the strong arms of George Weasley attempt to wrap around her waist. For a fleeting second, she felt okay again, she thought that she had been saved but he merely only slowed her down for a few seconds. She crashed into the ground hearing a crack and black flooding her vision.

She woke up a splintering pain in her head and dots in her vision.

"Crikey Liv you gave us a scare." A voice from over her who she couldn't quite place said placing a hand on her forehead.

"Olivia," she heard another say full of concern.

"You alright there Pugh," This stirred her into full consciousness as she looked up at George who was staring down at her, his eyes full of concern. "She's awake," he shouted to the others who were crowded around the bed next to her. Her friends scurried over and she saw Harry laid in the other bed.

"Is he alright?" She asked scared for the younger boy.

"I'm fine thanks to you Liv. Lockhart did get rid of all the bones in my hand though." He showed her with a grimace from the bed.

"It was awesome," George whispered into the girls' ear.

"Shhh," she replied turning to swat his arm.

Madame Pomfrey came rushing over telling everyone to leave and that they needed rest stating that there were just far too many people in here. Liv who now felt a little bit nervous for some unknown reason sat herself up,

"Would one person be able to stay?" She asked politely.

The older woman looked at her and took in her nervous mannerisms, "Of course sweetheart, just one for each of you but you need sleep." She replied kindly.

"I'll stay," Ron replied turning back to Harry and continuing whatever chat they were having.

Olivia turned around and made eye contact with George hoping he'd stay but being too embarrassed to ask.

"Come on then," Fred said ushering out the others and winking at his brother who he didn't let move "let's get out of here."

They left offering their love and good wishes to the two stuck in bed.

"You did well out there you know," George said moving his chair closer to her bed as she turned to face him.

"I know," she replied with a wink, "better than you at least."

"Hey! I'll let Flint hit you next time."

"Nah just get Malfoy next time"

"You'd be okay with that?" He asked clearly confused.

"Of course, I would. That whole thing the other day" she said awkwardly "was just some family stuff and as much as I hate it, he knows my family well. I mean we practically were family growing up." Hearing this made George uneasy, he knew that Olivia's family had some elitist values but he couldn't see the girl in front of him growing up on a big manor trading secrets with the young Slytherins, playing dress-up with Pansy Parkinson.

Olivia quickly changed the topic of conversation seeing how uneasy George looked. "Thank you for staying with me."

"I'll always be there if you need me," he replied not meaning to sound so deep as he placed his hands on the edge of her bed.

She giggled nervously, "thank you, George." She replied taking hold of one of his hands and starting to feel much more tired. Instead of the electricity that normally flowed through her every time she'd touched him before. This time was different it was as if all of her energy was sapped out of her body. She sunk into her pillow comforted by his warm hand trying her best to stay awake. "Tell me about your first prank again." She murmured, he started to tell her all about it again, his words lulling her to sleep as he stroked her hand with his thumb watching her eyes close and her breaths deepen. 

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