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Olivia woke up glancing at the clock that showed 3:27 am and groaned she had to be up and dressed ready for potions in about 4 hours. She shivered realising she was still in the common room asleep on Georges lap and by the looks of the dying embers the fire stopped providing heat a ling time ago. 

"Come on Georgie," She said shaking him awake. "We need to go to sleep in actual beds." She pulled the barely conscious 6'4 boy up from the couch tickling him until he groaned and fully opened his eyes.

"Fine, g'night darling", he said walking up to his dormitory his voice still deep with sleep. Making butterflies swarm in her stomach at the name he'd called her, she fell asleep with George on her mind.

Liv had planned to have a very productive week, she was going to tackle the diary problem head-on but all thoughts of this were discarded from her mind as she'd entered the Great Hall, it was only two days until the Christmas holidays and the great hall and rest of the castle were decked in decorations. The girl had been dreading the festive season, she couldn't see herself feeling particularly festive in the Grans manor, god she'd be eating Christmas dinner with Voldemort. That's why when last week Professor McGonagall came round asking who would be staying, she didn't even think before ticking the box that said yes. She hadn't told her Gran but he Gran also hadn't asked, they hadn't spoken since Olivia left, surely the old woman wouldn't expect her to come home. Thankfully the Weasleys, Harry, Katie and Neville were also staying so Liv was very excited about the upcoming holiday.

The next two days flew by they consisted of lots of homework and some last-minute gift shopping from Liv who had to sneak into Hogsmeade and actually really enjoyed the time on her own, browsing shops and planning a life for herself as a little business owner living above the shop handing out cups of hot chocolate and eggnog to Hogwarts students on their days out.

Olivia found herself on the first day of the Christmas holidays alone in the common room with a rather stressed looking Harry Potter. It was clear that the Christmas break was a nice change for the poor boy who everyone thought was the heir of Slytherin.

"Heard about the duelling club incident," she said with a kind smile.

The boy let out a groan not ready for another person to start treating him like a mass murderer.

"Got a pet snake at home I'd like to tell to start hissing at my Gran if you could," she said with a smile yet full sincerity.

"What?" he boy stuttered not really understanding what Liv was on about.

She plopped herself next to him on the sofa, "You're a parselmouth right, can talk to snakes?" he nodded, "I got a pet corn snake at my Grans, Malia if you came over do you think she'd do what you said?"

Harry let out a sort of snort "I guess."

"Brilliant," she exclaimed "right, can you come over in the summer and tell her to hiss at my Gran? She's an absolute sweetie but I wanna see if she can scare her?"

"Sure" Harry laughed not able to believe that this girl in front of him found out that he could speak to snakes something only people directly linked to Salazar Slytherin could do and she asked if she could make her little pet try and scare her gran. He was very glad that the only people in Gryffindor Tower for Christmas were her, Weasleys and Hermione, even if Draco and his band of idiots were still here.

The twins Ron and Hermione came falling in the portrait hole laughing about something.

"There you two are," Hermione said when she spotted them chuckling in front of the fire

"Fancy a snowball fight?" Ron asked, the two got up and climbed out with them making their way out the common room happily chatting until much to everyone's annoyance a platinum blonde boy could be seen walking towards them.

Liv chose to ignore the presence of Draco, not wanting to ruin their festive antics and with a quick glance to the twin's Harry was on their shoulders with Liv in the front.

"Heir of Slytherin coming through" she announced gesturing for the few Hufflepuffs in the hallway to move, "make eye contact at your own risk."

"He could kill you with a glance" Ron chimed in chuckling at himself.

Draco stopped in front of them, "famous Potter" he drawled "as if you could ever be the heir of Slytherin."

"Shove off Malfoy" Ron stated a smile still on his face.

"As if you could be related to the Salazar Slytherin" he continued "you haven't got it in you to be a Slytherin." He let out in a rather arrogant tone that was starting to bug Olivia. His voice was like nails on a chalkboard, and he just wouldn't shut up. Eventually, she grew tired of the second years bickering and decided to put an end to it, moving to stand so casually next to Hermione she shot her a warning glance hoping she'd know to go along with her. She slung her arm around her, and snapped her head in the direction of Draco everyone's eyes on her she asked,

"Remind me again Hermione, our dear old Harry here keeps getting visits from a certain house-elf, doesn't he?"

"Um yeah?" Hermione replied questioning where Liv was going with this.

"He's quite complementary, isn't he?"

Harry nodded with a cocked eyebrow.

"Heard all about your greatness, hadn't he?" Fred added not sure why Liv was saying this but seeing the way she wanted the conversation to go.

Draco rolled his eyes "what would you know about house-elves Weaslebee. You could never afford one."

"True" Liv stated getting some puzzled glances from her friends "you could though Malfoy, I've met your house elf. Lovely chap. Harry, what was the name of the elf that keeps visiting you again?"

"Dobby" he replied still confused

"Wow, what a coincidence. I could have sworn that's what the Malfoy house elf's called!" She exclaimed in a fake shocked voice.

No one said anything so Olivia continued on "I wonder where Dobby would hear about Harry being so so amazing then?"

Hermione who had caught on continued for her "I don't suspect your beloved Father or your Mother would be raving about Harry."

Draco was growing angrier and angrier

"I guess you just can't help but gush about Harry, huh, Draco." Olivia finished the corner of her lips pulling upwards.

"Shut up Mudblood" he snarled causing Ron to whip out his wand. Knowing that he'd only end up belching slugs again Olivia acted first pouncing on Malfoy hitting him with multiple spells until he was a green mess at the end of the hallway.

'I'm part of the 28 don't forget that,' she spat 

"Shit" she muttered knowing her spells shouldn't have done that much damage, she looked behind her and George had his wand out too. He shrugged and yelled

"Come on."

The group ran off in fits of laughter which didn't help them trying to hide from Professor Flitwick.

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