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There was another knock on the door but Olivia wasn't able to speak just yet still trying to compose herself.

"Liv I'm coming in" a voice that sounded an awful lot like Georges said before he walked into the room.

"But how you're a boy?" She said he laughed at how that was what she was focusing on. 

"I am a master of mischief," he said with a grin sitting down tenderly on the edge of her bed. "Are you umm well alright?" He asked nervously. "Well obviously you aren't okay, but I mean, not that you're not okay" he carried on words pouring out of him.

She interrupted him, "I'm fine, don't worry about me" she laughed trying to sound nonchalant.

"Maybe we could just talk?" he said gingerly scooting closer and closer too her.

"About what?" she asked, there were so many things she wanted to talk about with George, she wanted to tell him about what she would be doing if she was with her mum right now, she wanted to talk about what they were, she wanted to just cry about her mum. But none of them really seemed like a fun conversation.

"So did you have a good Christmas?" George asked,

"Yeah, it was a bit strange though." She laughed, he looked at her puzzled, "well first-time spending Christmas at Hogwarts, first time spending Christmas without my Mum, first time having friends." She chuckled.

He scooted even closer, "I'm sorry," he said, "I didn't even think about how hard this must be without your Mum."

"No, it's fine honestly, I'm just making a fuss." She shook her head shrinking under Georges gaze.

"Liv, you don't need to be like that around me, you don't need to apologise. You've lost your Mother, of course, you're going to be grieving, it was so insensitive of us all."

She continued to look sheepish, not liking this conversation, she was being an attention seeker that was all. She needed to just deal with this on her own not let it affect her friends.

"I'll be fine" she replied with a smile.

"Olivia look at me," he said scooting so that he was next to her now and placing her hands on the sides of her face. "You are so so strong, but you don't need to be fine, not with me." He tilted her head down and placed a kiss on her forehead, but she pulled away much to his surprise.

She didn't want something purely physical she'd changed her mind; she didn't think she'd be able to cope. There was hurt in his eyes as he looked down at her. "I'm sorry," she stuttered looking down "it's just, I get that you don't want a relationship and that's fine but, I don't think that I can do this" She let out a weak laugh "I'm just a bit fragile, I can't do physical at the minute" she tried to lighten the mood. He took a hold of her hand and twisted to look at her.

"Where did physical come from? Olivia trust me I love the physical side of things", he winked animatedly, "but I like you, I want to be with you."

A glimmer of hope started to grow inside Liv, "Define like"

George let out a small chuckle, before twisting her around to be cross-legged facing her, a giggle slipping out of her mouths. "I mean Olivia will you be my girlfriend."

A smile grew on the girl's lips, "well, I suppose, I guess you're better than the other Weasleys." She replied a flirtatious eyebrow raised. 

"Oh, shut up." He told her jumping onto her and tackling her to be laying down on the bed tickling her sides making her let out a breathless laugh.

The pair collapsed next to each other still giggling, happy to have finally sorted out their relationship. "Stay right here." He said, "I'm gonna go get your Christmas present."

She collapsed back onto her pillows putting the frame of her and her mum back on her bedside table, "I have a boyfriend." She told the photo of her mum in a sing-song voice.

He appeared back in her dorm and chucked a box at her "open it", he laughed when it hit her on the head.

"Oi," she said in a muffled voice as she ripped the paper off and revealed a stuffed cuddly Niffler toy. "A Niffler" she exclaimed in joy hugging tight to her making the boy laugh and his heart fill with joy taking in just how much she looked like a child with her cross-legged in her bed holding a toy.

"It's um it's cause the first time I got a glimpse of the real you was in Care of Magical Creatures." He said embarrassed looking at his feet.

"The argument with Pucey!" she jumped from her bed and pulled him into a hug only pulling apart to kiss him. This was their first kiss as boyfriend and girlfriend, and she could see a lot in her future. She gave him her present and he took the lid of the box of and let out an excited shriek making the girl laugh. Inside was a brand new quidditch set along with a signed picture of the Chudleigh cannons. "At least try not to hit me anymore," she winked and melted into the hug he gave her.

Eventually, they forced themselves to go downstairs where they found everyone, even Ron and Harry who were saying something about Hermione being in the hospital wing. The group collapsed onto the sofas and armchairs around the fireplace, George and Liv sharing an armchair and playing a rather competitive game of exploding snap.

Eventually at 1 am everyone decided it was time for bed. Hermione still hadn't come back yet, and Liv was starting to worry about her being stuck in the hospital wing on her own, what if the actual heir of Slytherin attacked her. Liv attempted to carry Ginny up the stairs but being small herself struggled slightly. She woke the girl up and helped her walk up to their dorm her eyes still half-closed, the moment her head touched the pillow Liv could hear her faint snores.

Turning to her bed to get changed she saw a lump at the end of her bed, going over to inspect it she saw it was Georges jumper she had on earlier with a note.

Happy Christmas Glivia x

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