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A/N Happy Halloween <3

The rest of the Christmas holiday merged into a blur of wintery kisses, lots of food and an excessive amount of time spent in the common room. But before she knew it January was here, and she had to serve detention on the first day because of her little stunt with Malfoy. It was, however, to be served with Flitwick which was one good thing as he never gave too hard detentions, sometimes he would turn them into tutoring time wanting his detentions to be a place for learning. 

She dragged herself to his charm's classroom after a long day of lessons, Harry walked with her as he had detention with Professor Sinistra. She greeted Professor Flitwick as despite having detention she was rather fond of him.

"Miss Pugh, you're here, good. Do come in. How was your Christmas?" he squeaked,

"Good, thank you, professor, and yours?

"Oh, wonderful thank you. Today you're just going to make a start on any homework you have please."

"Yes, sir" she replied and sat down rummaging in her bag, she couldn't find any parchment, but she did find the discarded diary she had meant to find out about. Figuring that would do for writing materials, she started on her potions essay writing at the top of the page,

Anecdotes Essay                 Due Jan 12th

Realising that she didn't have a clue about how to brew any anecdotes except for Skele-gro she bent back down to grab her potions textbook not knowing how she was going to manage to write two feet on them.

However, when she looked back at her page she couldn't see her writing anymore, flicking through her book to find where she started the essay she grew more and more confused but pushing it out of her mind, started her essay again. 

It took her a few minutes to even realise that something was up her eyes focused on the trail of writing she was leaving, not bothering to glance back up at her writing until she clicked that she wasn't actually answering the question. Her first reaction probably should have been fear or confusion at the missing writing and the sentence staring back at her, instead, she was just rather annoyed that three chapters she had written had disappeared.

This diary isn't for homework

The writing started up at her before it sunk back into the page yet again.

What is it for then

She scrawled back rather angrily,

A place for answers

Well, that's pretty ambiguous Olivia thought to herself as she stared down at the disappearing letters, not sure what questions she wanted answering, at least questions that this little diary could answer. Then it struck her, Harry clearly wasn't the actual heir of Slytherin, but she was curious as too who it actually was.

I can't tell you that

The book replied making Olivia role her eyes, what was the point of the bloody book then.

But I can show you

Before she could even process what had happened, she was suddenly back in the halls of Hogwarts following a tall and rather attractive older boy around. It took her a while to process what she had just seen once out of the weird memory haze, Hagrid was the heir of Slytherin, not a chance. She did however get the feeling that this diary was something rather dangerous and she was quite glad she had taken it from Ginny.

She could feel herself being sucked into the very pages of the book with the more she wrote. The diary kept asking her questions, she tried to be as vague as possible, not going into detail about herself or her life. She did however find herself telling the diary or Tom as he asked her too to call him about her Mothers death. They bonded over basically both being orphans, despite knowing it was against her best interest.

So, Olivia, if you're dating a Weasley you must spend a lot of time with Harry Potter

A cold chill washed over her at seeing the boys name written down in front of her, it was as if writing in this diary dulled her memories yet seeing Harry Potter in black and white jarred her back to a full state of consciousness. This book was dangerous, it had been controlling Ginny and it wanted to get to Harry, there's no way she'd let this thing hurt her friends.

No, I hardly know him.

She wrote back before shutting the book deciding she needed to make a plan before she accidentally told it anything that could be harmful.

"Are you done?" Flitwick squeaked from the front of the class.

"Yes, but I have some reading I need to do if you still want me to stay."

"Oh no, your detentions already over you just seemed so captivated in your work I didn't want to stop you and ruin your train of thought. You're free to go." He smiled at her warmly as she quickly packed her bag and big him goodbye.

She walked through the halls of her new beloved school her mind full of thoughts not really paying attention until she bumped into something hard.

"Blimey Liv," The familiar voice of Ron Weasley said to her, for only twelve he was quite tall and being so small herself she stumbled backwards luckily Harry's seeker reflexes jumped in and he grabbed her arm before she landed on her butt. She apologised with a laugh regaining her balances and asked where they were off to. 

"Sneaking into the hospital wing to see Hermione. She's coming out today," Harry told the older girl, seeing as now that the attacks had gotten so bad, they were meant to be escorted by teachers everywhere. Olivia tagged along and was quite shocked when she was greeted by Hermione covered in patches fur and with whiskers. They had a good chat and Olivia told her all about George being her boyfriend now, she also learnt about Harry and Ron's adventure in the Slytherin Common room and how Draco was definitely not the heir of Slytherinwhich to be completely honest she never really expected. Hermione took her last sip of potion and within the hour was back to normal she did, however, look like she had a bit of a five o'clock shadow all over her body

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