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Doing a walk of shame wasn't ever something that Liv saw in her future when she joined Hogwarts all those months ago, she was too scared to even talk to the boy and now they were shagging.

Wolf whistles followed her through the common room, maybe thinking she'd be able to make it too her dorm just in George's T-shirt wasn't the smartest idea. She was however very thankful that he was so much taller than her the hem falling at her knees.

"Shut it, Weasley." She snapped at Fred

She limped into her dormitory something that her friends took notice off, "and where've you been?" Angelia asked in a demanding tone reminding Liv of her Mother. Noticing the slight limp in her step she exclaimed, "you fucked Weasley!"

"Jeez, Johnson no need to tell the whole of Gryffindor, shut up."

"Tell us everything," Katie said popping her head in from the bathroom.

The four girls clambered into Livs bed as she got changed deciding not to bring Hermione up for this one as she was a bit young. Liv walked the girls through what had happened last night, brushing her hair not able to look at them as she was blushing so hard.

"Awh, it sounds kind of sweet," Alicia told her as she pulled the girl into a hug.

"Forget sweet" Angelina chimed in, "It sounds hot. I hope my twins just as well endowed." She smirked making Liv cringe and chuck a pillow at her.

Still giggling they made their way downstairs, "there's your loverboy" Alicia winked at her.

"Talking about me are we ladies?" she heard a familiar voice say sweeping her into a hug placing a kiss on her cheek.

"You wish, Weaslebee" she replied reminded of their first kiss all those months ago where they'd had practically the same interaction expect this time she wasn't stressing about if he liked her or she'd embarrassed herself instead she was thinking about how lucky she was to have someone like him.

"Nice hickey," Lee said in a matter of fact tone pulling her out of her thoughts and making her shake her head at him the others who were avoiding talking about the pair burst into laughter.

"Always tactful aren't you," she laughed ruffling his hair which he wasn't very happy about chasing her from the common room with a small scream.

"Our friends are actual children," Alicia said fondly following after them the rest of the group making their way down to breakfast.

"Eat," Oliver Wood told her sternly, "you'll need your strength for the match today."

"Jesus Wood give me chance" she replied still putting the food onto her plate, "When have you known me not to have an appetite."

"True, she's a female me," Ron added with a proud smile placing a hand on his chest making the girl opposite him giggle.

Slowly after Oliver had pilled scrambled eggs on every player's plate they made their way down to the quidditch pitch. They were feeling rather positive about this game, "perfect conditions" Wood kept repeating to himself. They were definitely in for a shot at the quidditch cup this year, this was the strongest team they'd had in years, or so she'd been told. Secretly Olivia was feeling a little bit sore and didn't know if riding a broom would be the most helpful to her pain after last nights activities. But much to her surprise at protests of Wood the quidditch game was cancelled. 

Professor McGonagall came striding onto the quidditch pitch, purple megaphone in hand and her lips the thinnest line that Olivia had ever seen. She pulled Harry aside and wanting to know how on earth she could be attempting to blame him for this attack when he'd been with the team the whole time she unattached herself from the crowd and followed after him, placing a hand on his arm when she got there, giving him a friendly smile and a squeeze. Ron had also done the same.

"What's going on?" He asked on arrival, much to everyone's surprise McGonagall put her hand on Olivia's shoulder and stirred them away from the crowds.

"Yes, you better come to Weasley." The three made their way through the halls giving each other confused looks when they didn't enter any offices. Instead, they came to a halt outside of the hospital wing. "This may be a bit of a shock to you," McGonagall said a tear growing in her eyes.

The three wizards walked into the hospital wing to be greeted by a frozen Hermione Granger, a soft gasp escaped from Olivia's lips. Secretly she thought that the attacks might have stopped, it had been months since there had been any and now that she had the diary, but clearly not. A single tear fell down Olivia's fault she couldn't help but feel that this was her fault. The three gathered around her bed Olivia stroking the girl's hair gently, her heart crumbling at the rigid girl in front of her who was basically family to her.

"I don't suppose any of you would know why she was carrying this." McGonagall showed the group an ornate small handheld mirror.

"Not a clue," Ron croaked out. Liv thought it was odd, she wasn't one for checking her appearance, she doubted that aside from the bathroom mirror in her dorm she even owned another mirror. They stayed like this for a few minutes until McGonagall awkwardly cleared her throat,

"I'm afraid I'll have to take you back to the common room now." Harry nodded silently and the three walked back to the common room, Ron holding her hand sympathetically. When they got to the common room, the three entered first, the room was quiet and Angelina who was sat on the sofa called them over and made room for them the three looking rather pale and sickly. Liv didn't really listen to the Professors speech about the new rules, instead, she was running through the events of the day, she knew for a fact that Ginny had been in the quidditch stands the whole time, which meant she couldn't have attacked Hermione or the Ravenclaw prefect.

Once McGonagall had left the room conversation erupted in the common room, everyone was very worried about what was happening to their beloved school. Olivia rose from where she was sat, "5 minutes," she said to George who shot her a worried look.

She made her way over to Percy and placed a comforting hand on his arm, "is it her?"

"I'm afraid so," she replied, being slightly more observant than Harry and less self-obsessed as her twins Olivia had actually noticed Percy and his new girlfriend, for someone so smart he wasn't the best at hiding his relationship. "She must have been with Hermione."

The boy looked frozen in his seat and nodded rigidly, "she'll be okay soon, the mandrakes are already teenagers." A single tear fell which he tried to hide quickly, Liv felt her heartbreak even further, it was clear how deeply in love with Penelope he was. Without thinking about what she was doing, she encompassed him in a bear hug. Percy was definitely not the hugging type but she felt him relax slightly.

"Thank you, Olivia, George is lucky to have you." He said, peeling away from her arms and walking upstairs quickly, his shoulders slumped. 

Dudes are you getting enough George content, originally this was gonna be all lovey dovey but i keep forgetting and getting drawn into the actual adventurey bit???

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