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sorry for the fluffy cringe but I'm living out my y/n fantasies.  

By the time that Fred had gotten back up to the astronomy tower with thermos' of hot chocolate blankets and pillows, George and Olivia had already gotten themselves comfortable making some blankets appear. He pretended not to see the lump under the blanket, which was clearly their entwined smile, secretly glad he went and got this if it gave them time to finally get together. All he'd heard his bloody twin talk about for the last three months ever since they met her was the curly-headed girl he had so clearly fallen head over heels for, even though he refuses to admit it.

He wrapped himself in a blanket and chucked one in the direction of the others which Olivia excepted gratefully and cuddled into still holding George's hand but not brave enough to cuddle into him just yet. She had to admit he was all she'd been able to think about even when grieving for her mum. It had made her feel guilty she would be stuck in her dank room thinking about her Mother feeling sorry for herself and then her thoughts would wander to what George would be doing right now, would he be in Herbology Class looking after mandrakes. 

He seemed to anchor her when her Gran would be feeling particularly angry she'd find herself thinking about him and she'd be able to get through her Gran 'teaching her a lesson' as she liked to say. Just thinking about him would lessen her pain. But she hadn't processed that she refused too, her mother had just died, she'd been ripped from her family, recruited by the evilest wizard of all time, a little crush wasn't high on her list of priorities. She'd kind of came to terms that she might have a tiny bit of a crush during her late nights staring at her ceiling, she'd figured it would just pass with time. There was no way that he'd ever liked her back he was George Weasley for god sake, whilst his twin might have been the ladies man, and that was putting it lightly (man whore) it wasn't a secret that George had plenty of admirers. He was tall, good looking, funny, popular god the list went on. Olivia was nothing in comparison she had about 10 friends if that she couldn't even talk to people she didn't know and now there were all these rumours about her death eater Father. She was riddled with trauma was probably going to get some PTSD after her encounter with good old Voldy, there was no chance that George would ever have feelings for her.

She had to admit though holding his hand right now looking at the stars her best friends illuminated in the moonlight she felt a slither of hope. She ignored it though, he was being kind, comforting her after she unloaded just some of the messed-up things going on in her life.

Taking a sip of the hot chocolate she let out a sigh of delight she had missed Hogwarts hot chocolate causing the other two to laugh at her. The three fell into comfortable conversation Olivia told them all about her encounter with Lucius Malfoy and asking to braid his hair. Fred feigned wiping a tear from his eye.

"I'm so proud of our little Liv. Oh, they grow up so fast" he said with a sniffle causing the two who had been inching their way closer all night to giggle.

Her laughter was music to George's ears, the castle had seemed weirdly empty without her, he'd missed hearing her laughter ring through the hallways, hearing her fight with Snape and bicker with Lee. He'd miss seeing the way her nose practically touched the parchment when she'd really get in the zone during Charms. He had missed the joy in her eyes in care of magical creature, being able to look out of the window and see her sat outside with Hagrid talking rapidly about some strange and probably dangerous animal she would have described as cute or misunderstood. He had missed the little twitch she'd do when she got overwhelmed or the way she'd bury her hands up into her sleeves. God, he thought to himself, if anyone could read my mind right now, I'd never recover from the humiliation. Looking up he caught Fred's eye who gave him a rather knowing look, sending him a rather indiscreet wink.

They fell into a comfortable silence watching the stars glad to be all together once again, it felt like everything was okay again, no family issues no heir of Slytherin running around petrifying all of the muggle-borns.

"Did you know that there are 88 constellations?" Olivia announced knowledgeably breaking the silence. "That one there is Camelopardalis, it means Giraffe." She said pointing upwards, "and I think that one's Monoceros, but I always struggle telling it apart from Mensa."

"Right," Fred said, "I love you, Olivia, I really do, but I can barely get through Sinistras lessons let alone yours. I'll see you back in the common room if I haven't gone to bed." He said with a smile gathering his blankets as he left, leaning forwards and taking the one from Liv much to her protests. He glanced at George for just a second raising his eyebrow and tilting his head as he straightened up and sauntered down the stairs humming to himself.

"I think it's cool" George smiled at the girl causing her to tell her all of the facts about the stars she knew. 

"Haha sorry I like astronomy," she said with a giggle after realising she'd been nerding out about being able to see Fornax which is the most visible in December.

"Don't apologise, I think it's cute" he said a smirk growing on his lips. She felt herself blush, his ears went red surprised by his brazen words.

A little giggle escaped her lips as she looked away, "I've been meaning to ask any ideas about the heir?" getting the attention away from her rosy cheeks and sweaty palms. George told her all about how everyone's absolutely terrified off Harry which was ridiculous.

"Oh, poor Harry" she chuckled, "as if there's any way he would be the heir of Slytherin."

"I know" George laughed, "I doubt he even knows more than 5 peoples blood status"

"He is pretty unobservant" she agreed.

The pair laughed and Liv lent back against the cold stone wall shivering at the contact.

"Oh, are you cold?" George asked sitting up and looking at the girl realising they were sat in the open at midnight in December and she only had a bit of a blanket covering her legs. Without even waiting for her to respond his late-night confidence made him do something he wouldn't have done in the day time, he leant over and pulled her next to him keeping his arm wrapped around her waist as he pulled the blanket around her tighter.

She let out a little yelp of surprise which turned into a soft giggle as she leant against his side her heart racing. They continued to talk about the stars not really paying attention to what it was they were saying, they were practically talking utter nonsense both of them focusing on the electricity that was running through their veins from where they were touching.

Oh my god, why did I do that? George thought to himself, she seems okay though he thought. Jeez I think my hearts about to explode, he started to take deep breathes to slow his heartbeat certain she would be able to hear it through his chest.

Olivia was trying to stay still shaking slightly trying not to place all of her weight on to him suddenly feeling rather insecure.

"Yeah um, I heard that purebloods name people after constellations a lot, you're lucky you're called Olivia, not like Piscis Austrinus or something." This snapped Liv out of her little spiral.

"What?" she said with a laugh focusing on the boy, "You know that means southern fish right?" Both of them exploded into laughter Liv feeling more comfortable and leaning her head against his shoulder, it was as if his body had been designed for her. Her head fitted perfectly in the side of her neck.

The two of them sat like that for hours watching the stars feeling completely content in each other's company. Olivia's eyelids starting to feel heavy as they drooped close. 

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