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Hey dudes, can we just pretend that Alicia doesn't start playing quidditch till later and that Hagrid was teaching in COS, thanks :)

The majority of Olivia's first two weeks at Hogwarts was spent with her new friends studying or laying by the lake. She was still having difficulty talking when they were all there but was slowly and surely starting to build relationships with them individually. However, the young girl struggled to speak to the boys, along with her social anxiety being home-schooled had meant she'd never spent much time with boys before, especially attractive ones, which the twins certainly where. Not that she thought of them that way she just found herself struggling to make comments when they were around. She was thankful for Transfiguration as she was able to speak to George alone in these lessons, they were becoming friends and had a similar sense of humour yet she blushed the most in McGonagall's classes something she hadn't noticed.

The classes had started to merge into one and for the students of Hogwarts life was back to normal. At breakfast one day Dumbledore announced that quidditch tryouts would be taking this place, Gryffindors where to be held on Thursday at 4 pm.

"Didn't Hermione say you played?" Fred asked her casually, telling her how they were basically all on the team.

Olivia nodded and listened politely worrying about tryouts, what if she wasn't good enough, what if she embarrassed herself in front of all of her new friends. From the way, the group spoke it seemed their team had a very high standard something she wasn't sure she'd be able to meet. However, her worries were pushed from the girl's mind as the group started to leave for their first class. They had care of magical creatures with the Slytherins. She'd already had one care of magical creature's lesson but it had been spent discussing what they would be covering this year, today she was actually going to get to meet some creatures. Her friends laughed as she wondered aloud what animal she would get to meet.

They chatted happily as the wondered down Olivia feeling more and more comfortable with them all. When she reached Hagrid's hut she let out an excited squeal leaning down to pet a Niffler.

"Starting off easy" Hagrid bellowed at the class smiling fondly down at the curly-haired girl, "these are Niffler's, can anyone tell me what they do?"

Olivia answered without hesitation causing looks from her friends as although she could now talk to them, she was normally very quiet in class. Hagrid explained that he was going to start off with a game seeing as the Blast Ended Screwts they will be working with normally had not yet fully woken from their hibernation.

The Class split into groups of three and set their Niffler's off to retrieve the leprechaun gold. Olivia who had been avoiding looking at the Slytherins was grabbed by someone she unfortunately recognised, Adrian Pucey had grabbed the girl's arm and pulled her towards him and another burley looking Slytherin.

Olivia looked around frantically to see if there was someone else she could be with but Alicia, Angelina and Katie sent her an apologetic look and the twins and Lee were already releasing their Niffler.

"You're with me Roc-" Pucey had started to say before Olivia cut him off with an aggressive glint in her eyes.

"Pugh, Olivia Pugh," the girl said curtly before removing the Niffler from his cage and stroking him. The majority of the lesson was spent in silence for Olivia, she had known Adrian for a very long time and disliked him ever since he ripped the head of off her cuddly bear when she was 7. As the lesson started to come to an end Olivia quickly made her way over to her friends, unfortunately, Pucey followed her.

"Could use with some of those as pets couldn't you Weasleys" he snarled, squaring up to the boys. "Maybe if you sent one to your Mum, she'd be able to find some gold to get you some better books" he glanced down at their secondhand books with a smirk. "Then again, maybe if your Mum was too stop eating so much you'd have some spare galleons, can't imagine how much she spends on food, she quite a large woman isn't she?" he finished glad to see he was getting a reaction from the boys.

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