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Olivia's first few days at Hogwarts had flown by however today was a Wednesday, the day she had been dreading, today she had transfiguration and double potions. These were the two classes she was the most nervous for. So far, her home-schooling knowledge had been okay in herbology, divination, history of magic, and she'd managed to scrape by in charms. Potions and transfiguration had been lessons she'd struggled with at home, so she had no idea how she'd cope without her mum teaching her them slowly.

 On top of this Professor, McGonagall and Professor, Snape were the two teachers she was feeling the most nervous about. McGonagall was the head of her house so naturally, she wanted to impress her and make sure that the women liked her. However, she already knew Professor Snape, having never met him in a professional manner, Uncle Severus had been a fairly large part of her childhood despite the pair not liking each other. Unfortunately, he associates with many of the families her grandmother makes her attend dinners with. Olivia was sure that he expected her to become a member of Slytherin like the majority of her ancestors. Her Gryffindor housing however only solidified that she did not share the same opinions as him and his cronies something her Gran tried desperately to hide.

 This was also something adding to her nerves this morning she had not yet written to her family to tell them of her housing, it had been four days and soon she knew that they'd owl her. Whilst her parents would be fine with Gryffindor, her mum breaking tradition herself and being a Ravenclaw her Gran would not. Olivia and her Grandmother butted heads constantly however she was still her Grandmother and she didn't know if she was ready to disappoint her. The woman had been known to disown family members and although they had been thick as thieves for the last 15 years Olivia didn't know the fate that awaited her, and it was starting to weigh on her.

Trying to push the negative thoughts to the back of her mind she went down to breakfast with the girls. Over the last few days she had managed to become friends with the three, whilst there was still the occasional moment of awkwardness Olivia was beginning to act like herself in front of them cracking jokes and telling stories. However, her social anxiety still stopped her doing this when it as more than the three of them. Something the boys had noticed, quite often they'd enter a room and Olivia would be the centre of attention the girl in fits of giggles, but as soon as the girl noticed them, she'd get all shy.

George had to admit it had piqued his interest, he wasn't sure why, but he felt like he was drawn to the girl and wanted to experience her humour first hand. He shrugged this off though. Instead acting as though he thought it was bizarre the girl seemingly had two different personalities. Fred thought that maybe they'd offended the girl somehow and that she didn't like them that's why she wasn't talking to them.

Olivia ate her breakfast quietly not even laughing at Angelina's story about how her younger cousin exhibited his first bit of magic and sneezed and flew off a swing in the summer. The twin that Olivia was 80% sure was George noticed this.

"You alright Pugh, you know you are actually meant to eat your food and not just push it about your plate," he said with a smile and a concerned look.

"Oh yeah," she said with a slight laugh causing the boy to lean in and question if she was alright. Without thinking, Olivia told him about how she didn't think she'd be able to keep up in the lessons and she really struggled at home and how without her mum teaching her it was going to be even worse and that she didn't want McGonagall to think she was dumb and how she'd heard how mean Snape could be conveniently leaving out the whole Uncle Severus part.

The girl clapped her hand over her mouth her eyes bulging, she didn't mean to say all of that it was like her consciousness just streamed out of her. Olivia hated being a burden on people and rarely told her what was going on in her mind. Mortified she looked down at the table wishing the floor would swallow her whole. That was the first thing she'd really ever said to him and it was just her acting like a child.

George sunk down sticking his head on the table so she was looking at him making her laugh which got the others attention who shot them puzzled looks, the listenedd interestedly but tried to make it look like they weren't. Olivia lifted her head her cheeks still slightly pink.

"It's alright," the boy said smiling sympathetically, "I actually happen to be a transfiguration master myself, so I'll help you out." Olivia started to protest saying she didn't want to be a bother. But he cut her off "nonsense I wouldn't be a very good Gryffindor if I didn't chivalrously help you,' he said with a silly bow and wave of his hand. 'And I know that as a Gryffindor you're brave enough to get through these classes" he continued to say smirking as the group started to make their way to class. "I'm not the best at potions though," he thought aloud "we'll find someone who is though, maybe Granger. If not, we can just study together. Alright?" He finished turning to look at her and smiling as he saw she looked more at ease.

Olivia began to relax and saw this as an opportunity to attempt to become friendlier with the boy, "I'm 80% sure you're George, right?" she asked looking hopeful.

"Ah so the staring at me has paid off" He replied laughing as he watched her turn almost as red as his hair and giving her a friendly push to make it clear he was only joking.

They chatted pleasantly walking behind the rest of the groups, Olivia asked him questions about his family and he asked questions about hers, she only spoke about her parents careful to avoid he grandmother just in case he asked what her name was.

Much to both of their surprise when they got to Transfiguration Fred had sat next to Lee shooting George a look that he didn't seem to understand. So, they ended up sat next to each other for the lesson and continued their conversation. Whilst Olivia wasn't miles behind there were a few aspects that she was having trouble with.

"You're a surprisingly good teacher" she noted as she managed to turn the goblet into a mouse.

He faked a look of hurt and repeated back to her in a high-pitched voice "surprisingly" causing her to giggle.

Eventually, they got onto the topic of pranking George had a suspicion because of her howler story that she wasn't as innocent as she seemed, and Olivia had obviously heard of the twin's reputation. She told him about the very few pranks she'd pulled, it's rather difficult to prank someone when you're home-schooled and an only child. However, the few stories she did have she told with glee, her face lighting up and her eyes twinkling. George told his favourite stories and suddenly the bell went, signalling time for lunch and then the dreaded potions. The fear seemed to sink back in, Transfiguration had been okay but she knew this class was going to be more difficult.

She tried to remain positive as she ate her Lunch and laughed with her friends but she could feel her nerves growing.

The dungeon was cold and dark with a weird musty smell.

"Don't think he'd let me turn on the heating, do you?" Liv asked earning a giggle from the people next to her. This caught his attention and Professor Snape rounded on the nervous girl.

"Ah the newest member of Gryffindor, how must your family feel" he spat out staring at Olivia. For once though she didn't feel embarrassed with the attention, Olivia had known this man for as long as she could remember. Holding the eye contact she replied with an icy tone "oh they're rather proud of me, I think they're just glad they won't have to see you on parent-teacher days". The majority of the class laughed trying to hide it into coughs and sneezes and a few of the purebloods who must not have gone to primary school where heard asking what she was on about.

Liv was hoping that would be the end of her problems in the class and that she'd just be able to attempt the work with the help of Alicia who was sat to her right. However, he roamed the class taking the register. When he got to P he paused and looked at the girl like he couldn't believe it. "Pugh, Olivia" He sneered staring at me and raising one greasy eyebrow. Olivia, however, waved merrily and returned to her work.

She was struggling but wasn't going to show him that, luckily Alicia noticed and pushed over a piece of parchment with some instructions scribbled messily in the corner.

The double lesson dragged by and the entire class raced out of the room once the lesson was over, the group of Gryffindor's decided to go sit outside seeing at the weather was still reasonably nice and they needed some vitamin D after being trapped in the dingy dungeon.

Olivia lay on the grass thinking through the day, she was pleased with herself although she struggled with potions she stood up to Snape, was okay in Transfiguration, and best of all comfortably had a conversation with George Weasley. 

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