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"Mooorning," the twins greeted Olivia as she sat down next to them pilling some waffles on to her plate, she was never a morning person. "We have a plan," they continued still not earning a reply from the girl who was so invested in her food. "We want to get Snape." This is what finally caused a reaction, remembering his mean taunts from the last potions lesson, she nodded her head. 

"I'm listening."

"We think it's time for our first joint prank," the twin closest to her announced putting out a hand to shake.

With a smile, she took Fred's hand. "If you can keep up with me, Weasleys." The group fell into casual conversation as they ate before slowly making their way through the castle to the transfiguration classroom. They took their seats, George, and Liv brainstorming ideas for tonight's prank. Olivia hardly needing to think this time as she turned a button into a table, suggested at the same time that they should somehow ruin his classroom.

"I know the perfect way," He replied with a grin as they left the classroom feeling as though the lesson passed in seconds, they always felt this way after transfiguration when they worked in pairs.

"Be quiet," Olivia hissed at the boys who were running through the halls their footsteps echoing in the high celling's. Mentally facepalming at her stupidity to pair up with these two and wondering how they manage to get away with so much. She was snapped out of her thoughts as she slammed into the back of George Weasley who had frozen staring down at the evil orange eyes of Mrs Norris, thinking on her feet Liv grabbed the wrists of both of the boys and set down another corridor pulling them into a rather snug broom cupboard.

George flattened himself against the wall Olivia was pushed up against him as Fred flattened himself facing the other way trying not to let out a laugh as he realised he had much more room than the other two who had been pushed together closer than needed. He stood in there for a while listening to the noises outside. Whilst Fred had his ears peeled it seemed the other two were more occupied with other things.

George's arms had wrapped themselves around Olivas waist and back holding her as she rested her hands on his arms, luckily the darkness hid both of their rosy cheeks. George didn't know why he had done it but as he got pulled into the cupboard and his adrenaline was pumping, he felt the need to protect the small girl. As soon as he'd done it, he had started to regret it, they were in a broom cupboard with his twin brother what was going to holding the girl in front of him achieve. This was however until she placed her hands onto his arms and even though it was hardly possible in the small space, she seemed to become even closer to him.

Olivia leant her forehead against his chest only noticing now just how tall he was compared to her. She could hear Georges heartbeat, normally she'd tease him about how fast it was beating but with that lump in her throat, she wasn't sure if she'd be able to get the words out. Fred deciding, he couldn't stand the lovey-dovey vibes anymore and being fairly certain that Mrs Norris and Filch had passed.

"Come on" he muttered opening the doors and breaking the other two from the rather weird moment that they were sharing.

The three of them walked down the rest of the hallway, Fred placing himself in the middle and going over their plan.

"Right, run in place a portable swamp under his chalkboard so the moment that he comes in and goes to teach the whole room will turn into a swamp." The plan went off without a hitch, Olivia adding some finishing touches by enchanting his blinds that he always has shut to display all of the Hogwarts houses except for Slytherin. She also left a little handwritten note,

You don't want a marauders part 2 do you Snivellus.

Watch your manners,

Signing it with a simple O.R.

The three left the room feeling rather accomplished taking their time to walk back to their common room, confident they wouldn't run into Filch.

Olivia was beyond happy to hear that her prank had gone off in Harry's lesson. The second years came pouring into the Gryffindor common room delighted their lesson had to be cut short. They disrupted the fourth and seventh years who were enjoying their free period. The younger ones came and sat on the sofa launching into an explanation.

"He started to write about the effects of a bezoar and then something just happened. It was like the whole room just turned into a bog!" Ron exclaimed.

"That would be a portable swamp, my dear brother. Now one of our new products" Fred announced to the room ruffling his younger brothers' hair.

"It was brilliant," Harry added "and when the blinds turned into the houses the Slytherins started to get annoyed."

"The smell was so bad even scourgify couldn't get rid of it," Hermione said with a look at Olivia doubting her innocence in all of this. "I think he knew it was you guys though," she said, "so I'd be on your guard." They didn't think much of this until Olivia got a note asking her to go visit the headmaster's office at 7 pm. She tried to hide it, but the twins could see that she was nervous about her meeting with him.

"Just deny it, blame it all on us. Don't worry we've done way worse. It's probably because you're new, we will take the blame." Fred tried to comfort her.

Olivia let out a small chuckle, but it was clear she didn't really mean it, "Thanks Freddie, it's fine though, I'm fine. You never know maybe he just wants to have a little catch up." She attempted to joke. 

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