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The gentle pat pat pat of water caused Olivia to stir, along with how cold she felt, opening her eyes she was met with the strangest of sights, she closed them again and let out a huff ready to open them and see Georges common room. Instead, however, she was met with a cold, darkroom. She pushed herself up the contact of the floor sent a chill through her body; the cobblestone floor was completely soaked, and she was staring up at a large stone snake. Rubbing her eyes, the girl tried to take in her surroundings breathing deeply as to calm her panic, she needed to be calm to deal with whatever this was. The calmness she was clinging onto instantly left her body when she turned the other way and saw a very pale unconscious Ginny Weasley laid on the floor.

"Ginny," she screamed scooting over to her scooped her head in her hands and looking frantically for a pulse, the was a dull one which slowed Livs hearts rapid beating down just the slightest. She attempted to shake her away yet nothing worked, deciding she'd find a way out and deal with it then she ripped off her t-shirt and wrapped it around Ginny running around the cold chamber in just her sports bra and jeans millions of goosebumps all over her body ignoring them she fully surveyed her surroundings. It clicked in her mind when she turned to see two rows of carved snakes, this had to be Slytherins secret chamber, he definitely did not have the best sense of interior design or a subtle touch. She was just making her way down this rather jarring pathway when someone appeared from the corner, she went to grab her wand but much to her surprise and fear it wasn't there, she quickly looked over to where she had been laid but couldn't spot her or Ginny's wand.

"Shit," she said to herself, this wasn't going to end well. Deciding she was going to have to fight with her hands and thanking her Gran for forcing her to take so many extra circulars she made her way over to the figure in the corner. If it was going to be a fight, she at least needed to be in punching distance of this man.

"Hello, Olivia Rockwood, I am glad I finally get to meet you like this." The figure said to her emerging from the shadows.

"Tom?" she questioned. "What are you doing down here?" her hands still balled into fists.

"Olivia, I reassure you that all those years of taekwondo are not going to help you now." He replied in way of an answer taking in her fists and fighting stance. "Its as if you don't trust me, I'm hurt." He continued on a mock tone of hurt.

"What is going on?" The girl asked skipping over his attempts of humour.

"I'm afraid you are in the Chamber of Secrets."

"Figured out that much myself thanks." She replied sarcastically rolling her eyes. "So Tom who really are you?"

"You are very bright aren't you Olivia. It's a shame you have to die."

For some reason being told about her death didn't fill her with fear, instead, she felt her blood boil and her vision clear. She needed a plan, and she wouldn't be able to come up with a plan if she was panicking. This was bigger than just her she had to save Ginny; she was responsible for this little eleven-year-old.

"Oh, go on then, enlighten me. Tell me all about your evil plan." She said taking a step forwards a flirtatious air in her voice.

He went on a long and complicated rant, with a lot of casual blood purity and racist comments. Olivia wasn't really paying attention until he started writing something in the sky with his wand his name 'Tom Marvolo Riddle'. Much to Olivia's surprise the letters changed and floated about rearranging themselves into 'I am Lord Voldemort'.

"Shit" she let out quietly, something that Tom noticed and laughed slightly at. "Voldy should have guessed."

"What did you call me" he roared at her.

"I've been over all this with present you, well weird half-alive baby you. I really don't have the time of day for you, dark lord or not." She replied with a shrug of her shoulders, trying desperately to hide how scared she was beginning to feel.

"How dare you, you filthy" he began before he abruptly stopped. The words dyed in his mouth as a small, yet surprisingly strong fist connected with his face. Truthfully, it caused more harm to Olivia's hand than anything else, but she thought to herself, at least in the afterlife she could say she punched the Lord Voldemort in the face. That was all the girl remembered until she was blasted unconscious back on the floor with Ginny.

She was shaken awake by a very concerned looking Harry, "Liv thank god." He said flinging his arms around him in a tight hug. Much to her protest, her eyes closed again and the next time she opened them she was greeted by a rather terrible sight. Harry was covered in blood a long slit running along his arm and Tom looking more like a person than ever. She pushed herself to her feet the adrenaline in her veins making her push through her pain and ever fading consciousness.

"Oi" she bellowed catching a sword Harry flung at her and taking a lunge towards the absolutely massive snake that was thrashing around in front of her. The sudden noise had caught the attention of the blind animal allowing her to get the blade fully into his thick skin. She did however not have the strength to pull it out so had to fling her body away as the writhing snake now had a blade poking out of it making it even more dangerous.

"I'm going to watch you die Harry Potter." She heard Tom say his focus not fading from the boy he had always been so obsessed with. As the snake slowly stopped moving, she raced over to the boy grabbing his arm making him yell and observing the wound not really knowing how to proceed. She was pushed out of the way however by a rather large bird, feathers in her face. She grabbed Harry's wand from him and held it in front of the two holding him close to her, she had to try protecting the both of them.

Miraculously Harry's arm was healing, in one swift movement, he plunged a fang of the snake into the diary causing black ink to pool out of it like blood. The outline of Tom started to turn fuzzy, he was starting to turn transparent, the more he disappeared the fuller Olivia felt. She was becoming more and more herself again, she pulled the boy into a hug, "you did it, Harry." She squealed.

A weak cough was heard from behind them snapping their attention to Ginny. She was pushing herself to her feet and sobbing quietly.

"Oh Ginny, shh," Liv said stopping the girl's confessions, "it's okay."

Slowly the group made their way back to the entrance finding a goofy Lockhart and a rather frazzled Ron who pulled her into a hug. "Holy shit Liv, you look rough." He laughed pulling away from her. 

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