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Liv woke up burrowed in her duvet a faint smile still painted on her lips, she let out a yawn and pushed herself up.

"Morning sleepy head, you got in late" Angelina said strolling over to her bed.

"Get in" Olivia replied pulling away from her duvet at one side and gesturing for the girl to climb in. "Alicia, Katie" the girl shouted getting them to come out of the bathroom still covered in spot cream. "Grab Hermione and join us I have news." 

Ten minutes later the five girls found themselves wrapped in blankets sat on Olivia's bed as Alicia braided Hermione's hair and Angelina started to put on her makeup. "So," Olivia started "I've kind of got a little bit of a thing"

"For George" Katie finished with a wink.

"What? You knew?!" she demanded.

"Yeah, we all did" Hermione laughed.

"It was pretty obvious." Alicia agreed.

Olivia sat there her jaw slack, "dude" she muttered not knowing how to process it she only figured out she liked him a few weeks ago, how had they known before even she had? They fell into a fit of giggles.

"Seriously Liv, how did you not expect us to notice with the way you guys act together?" Hermione laughed at how shocked her friend looked.

"What do you mean?!" Olivia cried indignantly.

"Oh please," Katie laughed "The way you two pull pranks together? How whenever he's been drinking he always tried and sits next to you."

"Or the way you watch each other when you fly" Alicia interrupted.

"I've never seen him study before, but all of a sudden he's teaching you transfiguration." Hermione chimed in.

"And don't get me started on that hug yesterday" Angelina smirked at her.

"Oh, shut it," Liv said burying her head in her pillows thinking they might have a point.

"Well, I'm glad you've come to terms with it," Hermione said laughing getting off the bed and zapping some of Alicia's spots with her wand and going to leave.

"That's not all," Liv burst out quickly telling her friends all about last night her head in her hands as she grew more and more embarrassed, she loved her friends but they weren't ones for girl talk. "And then he kissed me, well, actually I kissed him." She finished her cheeks and ears glowing.

The five girls squealed, and Olivia was pulled into a group hug laughing and giggling jumping around the dorm. They finished getting ready listening to some of their favourite muggle music. "I wish Fred would do something like that." Angelina sighed as she collapsed on to her bed.

The group continued to giggle and make their way downstairs still laughing about talking about Olivias late-night adventures.

"Talking about me are we ladies?" Olivia could practically hear the smirk in the boy's voice.

She felt her face grow hot and suddenly her mind was flooded with thoughts. Sure, she had kissed the boy but what did that mean for them now, it wasn't like they were dating now or anything. God, she'd probably embarrassed herself, he'd have had time to think about what he'd done. She was sure he would think it's a mistake. 'Why would he ever kiss me?' She thought to herself but that's the thing he didn't, she did. God, she was mortified. The first time she'd ever liked someone who wasn't fictional, and she'd gone and ruined the friendship. Her thoughts were pushed out of her mind when he stepped down from the stairs and winked at her placing his hand on the small of her back and walking with the group to breakfast.

Olivia regained enough composure to put on an air of confidence "In your dreams Weaslebee" she replied raising an eyebrow at him her stomach in knots as she took in his messy morning hair and cheeky grin along with his strong hand on the small of her back leading her out of the common room.

"I am absolutely starving," Fred announced to the small group surveying Georges hand placements and shooting him a bizarre look, that Olivia noticed, he must not have had time to talk to his brother yet. They walked in quiet conversation talking about the upcoming quidditch game and how they had a practice in the afternoon.

They sat down to eat, George placing a hand on Olivias thigh as they both listened to Fred and Angelinas bickering making the entire group giggle and wonder when they were going to get together.

"So dear brother of mine, something you've been neglecting to tell me?" Fred asked his twin as they changed into their quidditch robes.

"Oh, Freddie there's so much to tell," George exclaimed launching into what happened when Fred went to bed, both twins chuckled as Fred stood up from tying his boot and took a step over to him.

"Oh Georgie, my sweet younger brother. You are well and truly whipped."

"Like you aren't," Lee said emerging from the toilet.

"Oh, hey Lee we thought you were in detention." They said together. Lee shivered making the other two laugh no matter how much time he's spent with them he would never get over the talking at the same time thing.

"I'm happy for you though mate, she's hot." Lee winked at George, "Said so on the first day didn't I." the group chuckled and made their way down to the quidditch pitch, "I'm gonna watch" Lee explained.

The stands were rather full for a random Saturday afternoon practice, Ginny Weasley could be seen writing feverishly on the top level. It looked like Dean was teaching Seamus how to draw and for some reason, Lee was having what looked to be a very passionate discussion with Percy.

The Gryffindor quidditch team zoomed across the pitch chucking the balls around as a warmup.

Olivia felt a rush of wind pass her shoulder and she narrowly dodged a bludger. "Oi Weasley, again with doing your job." She spun around to see Fred wink at her and fly towards her.

"It didn't hit you, hurt Georgie though and they will." He said in a rather menacing tone despite the twinkle in her eye. She didn't really know how to reply instead she just rolled her eyes and threw the quaffle at him flying in the other direction trying not to dwell on his comments. 

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